Probably much more fun because I was playing with a group of friends watching me. Regardless, this was super fun, I get scared super easily so this was a very engrossing experience.

Rated this purely on the campaign alone, which stands as one of my favorite stories in any FPS game.

Only just started playing, but with friends, it's a fantastic little survival game that was very easy to sink a couple hours in and lose track of time.

As a kid, I grew up with this game. Not necessarily playing it, but I watched countless playthroughs on YouTube, endlessly excited to see what choices each of my favorite youtubers would make.

When I finally bought the game and played it for myself for the first time, I was so excited to finally play it the way I wanted to.

This game is so meaningful to me, both as a nostalgic experience and how much the characters mean to me as a whole. As depressing as it is, this is one game that I will always return to.

So this is skippable. The low ratings are completely fair, I am definitely giving this one a bit more credit than it may deserve. You could really just look up a quick YouTube video explaining what happened to Clementine in between Season 2 and 4 based on the ending that you chose.

However, I liked this premise and Javier as a protagonist, so I wanted to play through it myself. I enjoyed myself and was engrossed in the story for a while, so that's really all I wanted.

Absolute classic. I love the noir atmosphere, it fits really well for a Telltale style game. Hoping the second season releases sooner rather than later.

Really fun story, have to say the voice acting and dialogue bumped it down a few points. Also the QTE's were a bit much.

who else wishes they were dead from suicide

This game EXCELS at making me want to kill myself

Beautiful expansion of Chloe and Rachel's character through the 3 episodes, a side of the story I didn't know was necessary but was handled with grace and gentle emotion. A great footnote to a fantastic game.

Also the bonus episode made me suicidal

Very impressive when a game sequel improves upon the original in every way. Expansion of the world, new characters, refined environment, all incredible.

This was cute and fun! And then it got really sad. Ending made it all worth it. Impressive that they put this much effort in for a free expansion demo.

Fun so far! Interested to see what they add to this as time goes on. For now it's an enjoyable co-op experience with friends.

Really fun campaign with really enjoyable gameplay. I've had a lot of fun figuring out with characters I like playing as most and getting good at playing them. Fun game.