history is written by the winners

there is more than one perspective. do not take what is written in textbooks as the only truth

i can't say much but wowowowowowowowowow the way shb does it is insane
shinra will cover their asses to keep their power and the trust they have with the public. heroes "killed in action" and shinra's power is extended through the main story. zack isn't mentioned by anyone except aerith and cloud at the park
celestia likes to throw nails on civilizations that threaten the power and authority they stole from the dragons
trust between man and dragon shattered all because man was power hungry. man painted the dragons as the enemy and themselves as the heroes (oh and we have the church which is "holy and pure") for a millennia
once again man strikes again. the gi cannot go to the lifestream meaning they have bad intentions while the cetra who are closely linked to the planet and the lifestream are good and pure. all the gi want to do is die


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