Everything about this game bangs. The music, the fast hover cars, the tracks, the fact that there are over 40 racers sporting a theme song each..

Nostalgia goggles on lock, baby! Also Team Chaotix is best team. Their theme song helped me face my fears of lightning when I was younger.

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It took me about 5 years to understand how to unlock a dozen endings that would end up being useless to the story of this game.

Imagine making beliefs reborn, smh. Soundtrack is a dude's first try at poetry over badass nu metal instrumentals.

Man, my childhood. Almost beat it too. That final boss is a mess, but what can I say against the single greatest soundtrack in any sonic game.

I know it's a good game! It's just...When you watch people finish it 5 times in the span of a week because you fell into a rabbit hole of 50 different mods for turning Sonic into Daffy Duck, shit starts to become boring.

This was a tough pill to swallow. My doctor's said I needed to take one pill of [SONIC-FORCES] every day to make it out of my back pain-iliosis. Took one pill. Asked my doctor for a different treatment.

Tomoya Ohtani heard Sonic Rush's soundtrack and said "HUM I CAN DO THAT SHIT TOO!" and proceeded to do not as great, but pretty damn stellar nonetheless. Boss theme makes me weak.

the story of this game is insane. Music still rocks. Even with all the flaws, this is my childhood.

Those guitars BANG for sure. Not so sure on graphics, presentation, controls and movement, animations, voice acting, sound design, and Mr. Big as a gameplay concept.

Round yellow boi fights a ghost stuck in a tree.

Imagine a teenagehood. This game is it.