As a kid that watched cooking channels on TV this game was a dream come true in 2010 and I wish I could go back and revisit my restaurant today. Sadly it is gone like other greats of this time (o7 club penguin)

I made a facebook account to play this game and nowadays that feels more like a bad thing than a good one!

This game is so iconic. Seven is a genetically engineered tumblr sexyman. They're my little funnies. Why is the Jaehee route not explicitly gay!

+ i got into it early so there wasn't that many paywalls/they were really bugged and easy to avoid. So keep in mind I didn't have any frustrations with that.

I never got around to finishing it but this game is so charming and atmospheric. I think I only finished Alma's storyline, which I really liked, she had lovely depth of character. I might get back to it some rainy evening in the future!


Very pretty game we beat with a friend on a rainy afternoon.

This is peak fnaf this game is so fucking scary i played a bit and had to return it and get back to watching gameplays and i was still scared help. I don't even have a vr headset.

mom come pick me up i'm scared

Honestly speaking these games play so bad they suck so bad. But! they're so iconic to me.
Also let's be real nothing can beat the charm of being able to customize playable characters in the 00s. I'm convinced this is why mmorpgs were so popular then.

2d marios are clearly not my thing but this seems like a great entry among them. The wonder seeds are a fun concept, although I wish they had gone even crazier with them - but maybe they do later in the game.

Only watched gameplay of this one - but the story is incredibly compelling, the characters memorable and the twists surprising. A new spin on the Truman Show tale. And so creative! I'll be keeping an eye on what the Out Of The Blue team does next!

Very unique multiplayer experience - fun and chaotic for one session, and also fun to optimize and master with a partner!

Oh my goddd why did I put so many hours into this game as a child. Honestly it probably could've been worse as far as licensed games go.

This game feels like a lazy summer afternoon spent napping for me, where you have so much spare time you don't feel the need to do anything meaningful with it other than enjoy the warmth of the sun and the passing breeze. It's decadent in its simplicity.

I haven't played other entries, but from what I heard I expected to get more attached to this world and characters than I did. I'm sure it must be a blast to play online with friends, and my ranking probably would've been higher if I'd had that chance, but alas. Seing the villagers interact is very cute, though I wish they had more unique personalities when speaking with them. I think the best thing about this game was the community around it in 2020.

A stupidly fun idea honestly, it makes no sense. I still believe it inspired mario kart's Music Park and I believe it deserves credit for that.

This one stopped working on my emulator back in the day and I'm honestly so sad about it because. Why the fuck was this a proper, fleshed-out tennis RPG???? It had no reason to be as good as it was!