Sometimes I stream Funky Fish with myself.
Just to hear what a real one gotta say.

Mono hijo de puta, te dije pan molido pendejo.

I hope I'm not just a shitposter to you guys

But a Banjo-Pilot casual speedrunner too.

You can't write heterokaryon without k.
Think about it.

"Mom, I bought a game today"

"Real or roguelike deckbuilder?"

"Roguelike deckbuilder..."

Don't feed the pigeons, give them weed instead.

Yeah yeah i know, horse betting in real life sucks, gambling is bad, addiction is bad, i know all that, BUT if you were to actually bet real money who would you rather pick? Mike Bob riding on Dakota, or goddamn Rugal Bernstein riding on Genocide Cutter?

I understand the appeal of being a cutesy tiny human being living in a pot like a froggy but at some point I'd rather just be a frog really...

Wayforward making something actually interesting, only to get completely ignored because out of every single game they got to make a cool thing into, they chose the shittiest Tom Cruise movie ever.

I cannot stress enough how much I appreciate the unique notification system added, like don't get me wrong, getting money for free is cool and all the real kicker is seeing a notification that reads "Mali began producing Silksong, you'll receive 80 gold per turn until finished".

Nichibutsu fans be like "Y'all sleeping on this one".
Yes, I am.
This game sucks.
Good night.

Okay mas de qual lado o trambolho do Rica Games escolheria aqui....