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averypaledog earned the Replay '14 badge

2 days ago

averypaledog commented on thehotrock's review of Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Remastered
2 and 3 aren't great but they're leagues ahead of this one.

6 days ago

averypaledog commented on BigGnome's review of Final Fantasy XV
the best part of this game is when you have to negotiate with hillary clinton

7 days ago

averypaledog commented on MacBlank's review of Mega Man Battle Network 3 White
i think that's a fair way to look at it, but as a whole package, 1 is easily the worst imo. as a 4 fan, i love it in spite of its flaws, but it does have a huge problem with expressing a coherent narrative and its god awful translation ("leg's go lan!" and "what a polite young man she was" come to mind). but gameplay-wise the game is a lot more fun to deckbuild and it helps that 1 has a lot problems like not being able to run from battle without using an escape chip. i think if nothing else, you can look past the bad story of 4 more than you can the bad gameplay of 1, ykwim?

8 days ago

8 days ago

averypaledog commented on NOWITSREYNTIME17's list JRPG's Ranked
sorry for the double comment, but i'm curious: if you've played super paper mario, would you consider that a JRPG? it has 2/3 of those qualifiers, if not more that could potentially come up (i.e. more hands on story).

12 days ago

averypaledog commented on NOWITSREYNTIME17's list JRPG's Ranked
@NOWITSREYNTIME17 at the end of the day it's not a huge deal, i just don't think most people would call sticker star a JRPG and, if anything, most peoples' chief problem with the game is that it wasn't a JRPG. but that's just imo.

12 days ago

averypaledog commented on NOWITSREYNTIME17's list JRPG's Ranked
@NOWITSREYNTIME17 @BlueBackLoggd what about it has "roleplaying elements" or otherwise would make it a JRPG? turn-based combat doesn't inherently make a game a JRPG, and if it did, we'd be calling Yugioh Duel Links and Mega Man Battle Network JRPGs. i'm not trying to be a pedant about this, it's fine if you dislike the game, but i feel most of people's negative opinion of sticker star stems from trying to force it into the "why isn't this more of a JRPG like TTYD and 64" box when it's pretty flagrantly not that.

if anything, i'd consider sticker star more of a collectathon/card game fusion. but that's just imo. apologies if i'm harping on either of you.

12 days ago

averypaledog commented on NOWITSREYNTIME17's list JRPG's Ranked
sticker star isn't a JRPG? nor does it even try to put on an artifice of JRPG

12 days ago

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