[Good but the 4 is better in vrum vrum]
Vrum Vrum

Aged poorly, but its still really fun game, a pitty Ubi has discarted those mechanics.

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Hm Hmmmmmm

What will we do with a drunken sailor?
What will we do with a drunken sailor?
What will we do with a drunken sailor?
Early in the morning!

Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Early in the morning!

The best sonic game ever! For reasons that it was my first Sonic contact, and one of my very first contacts into gaming.

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This is the best recent Sonic game and no one can convince me the opposite, the best of both worlds, the best musics of the franchise. And has Dr.Robotnick as a villain, its a masterpiece!

I miss the good Ubi games, before they insist in the same level design for every danm game.

Btw this is the 2012's GOTY, but sadly it launched after the GOTY broadcasted. And it got a little forgotten in that crazy 2013

Ya, GTA IV is my favorite title of all franchise, and you can't convince me the opposite.


Sadly the game that aged the poorly of the franchise. But every great story starts from somewhere, right?

Never was a fan of adventure stories/games like untcharted or the indiana jones movies.

But this game, driven me into such a good experience, that i played through it and almost didnt realize the time elapsing. Its so well built and so fun that makes even the not greater fans of the genre, to wait the time when can continue playing.

Its literally the journey of the gaming industry into experimentation. EMBRACE THE EXPERIMENTAL GAMING