64 reviews liked by matso

melhor coisa do jogo é a cindy

Provavelmente o jogo mais problemático tecnicamente que já joguei, e mesmo se não tivesse esses problemas, ainda não acho um bom jogo, minha experiência foi bem negativa, tem algumas das piores e mais mal pensadas áreas em jogos do gênero, as sessões de plataforma são uma atrocidade, o sistema de combate não é ruim mas não acho nada prazeroso e com algumas horas já fica enjoativo. Ele tem boas ideias, como as conchas e a tematica, mas não são o suficiente para salvar o jogo e a história é divertida no começo com boas alegorias e texto afiado, mas com o tempo começa a cansar e quando tudo começa a decair em qualidade você simplesmente não consegue mais se importar.

Foi um fechamento legal pra franquia, tinha potencial pra ser o melhor jogo da trilogia, mas infelizmente é curto demais, levei 6 horinhas pra zerar e eu ainda enrolei.

A gameplay é basicamente a mesma do 2 só que mais rápida, adicionaram um arco no jogo que é fodástico, o sistema de melhorias da nanosuit é bem melhor e a variedade de armas alienígenas e tipos de inimigos aumentou consideravelmente. A parada mais legal é que as missões secundárias e os mapas abertos do primeiro jogo voltaram, você tem bem mais opções pra lidar com cada missão, o problema é que esse mapa novo da Nova Iorque toda fudida é um cu de enxergar as coisas com esse matagal enorme na sua cara, apesar disso, os cenários ainda são bem bonitos e o gráfico é basicamente a mesma coisa do segundo.

A história é simples como sempre, mas dessa vez até tenta explorar um pouco mais os personagens, infelizmente a curta duração faz com que tudo seja extremamente corrido, as coisas parecem que só vão acontecendo e são jogadas na sua cara o tempo todo, aí a última hora do jogo é bem linear e abandona totalmente as missões abertas. É um jogo que parece rushado, com uma paleta de cores que deixa ele com cara de morte o tempo inteiro e que não evolui muito em comparação ao segundo, além de ser bem menos cinematográfico também, pelo menos é divertido e encerra bem o enredo.

"My name is Laurence Barnes. They called me Prophet. Remember me."

Simplesmente um filme do Michael Bay jogável, com o mesmo roteiro ruim (ainda que tenha sido escrito pelo autor de Altered Carbon), a mesma atuação questionável e a mesma falta de profundidade em basicamente tudo, mas divertido pra cacete.

Crysis 2 segue um caminho bem diferente do primeiro jogo, ele abandona as fases abertas e o combate cadenciado, substituindo eles por uma campanha genérica de tiro no mesmo estilo de qualquer Call of Duty dos últimos 20 anos, a diferença é que você tem uma gameplay extremamente fluída, muito melhor que a do primeiro jogo, com um combate delicioso e vários poderes pra você se sentir foda, e o principal, esse é um dos únicos jogos que dá pra fazer absolutamente tudo que é mostrado no trailer em CGI dele.

A história disso aqui é um chorume até a reta final, só ali que ela fica interessante, mas diferente do primeiro jogo onde eu tava cagando e andando pro Nomad como protagonista, o Alcatraz no segundo jogo não fala UMA palavra a campanha toda e é um boneco com mais profundidade, durante toda a história o jogo insiste em dizer que você é um "Dead Man Walking", um "Post-Human Warrior", já no começo do jogo o Alcatraz perde toda sua humanidade, ele se torna algo mais que humano (ou talvez menos dependendo do ponto de vista), ele não pode falar, ele não tem sentimentos, ele só tá vivo por causa da nanosuit e o próprio corpo dele tá se fundindo com ela, o nome do personagem representa muito bem isso, ele tá preso à roupa, assim como a prisão se chama Alcatraz, você joga com um homem morto que segue andando mesmo que ele não tenha nada a perder, e no fim, ele perde até o próprio corpo, ele é reduzido a uma mera arma de combate.

O maior destaque do jogo é o gráfico, a física e os mapas abertos foram reduzidos em prol disso rodar nos consoles, é simplesmente absurdo o gráfico até hoje, todos os cenários, sombras, iluminação, texturas, é tudo extremamente bem feito. Cada fase do jogo tem um ponto de Nova Iorque totalmente modificado e de encher os olhos, até a cabeça da estátua da liberdade você encontra, e mais pro final, vira literalmente um filme dos Transformers, naves alienígenas voando, prédio desabando, um monte de figurante morrendo, baboseira militarista, até umas minhocas robóticas saem de dentro dos prédios.

É um jogo que não se leva nem um pouco a sério, que apesar de ficar meio repetitivo depois da metade ainda se mantém divertido e que remete a uma época que não volta mais, onde os jogos eram mais simples e não tinham o compromisso de ser um RPG mundo aberto infestado de conteúdo inútil pra justificar seu preço, é só um jogo de tiro legal com uma campanha legal.

Despite how much marketing this game seemed to have such as sponsored streams by people who aren't even in the anime space, a demo, and so many ads (unless I was targeted because I frequent the DBZ side of the internet), and this being a full multimedia event with an anime, this was probably the hardest time I've ever had finding a game on release day and not because I think the game is flying off the shelves. Amazon had the order delayed to the following Monday, I couldn't find a copy and any video game carrying department store like Wal Mart or Target within a 45 minute drive and even fuckin pawngamestop didn't have copies but Stellar Blade apparently is in abundance. I ended up double dipping and grabbing a digital copy (praise be to whatever god allowed this game to be only 20GB) while the amazon order got situated because goddamn it, I was looking forward to this. I think this is one of those underproduced copy situations but it gave me time to read the manga before getting into this.

Akira Toriyama's work was one of my main gateways into anime back in the day, with DBZ's ocean dub because I'm that fucking old. His artstyle is something I will always enjoy its why I played games like Chrono Trigger and Dragon Quest that to this day I think is such a standout in the genre. I'm glad another of his works is getting adapted in game form. I think his artstyle translated well in game, especially in terms of the bots (the machines you use throughout the game). That man really loved drawing vehicles and machines and it shows, especially since Sand Land's inception was because he just wanted to draw an old man with a tank which grew into something he never intended it to. Yes some characters I could see the "building blocks" and traits shared from his other work (I will always see Mr. Satan when I see that long square jaw) but his creature designs are also in full effect with giant cats with sabre teeth, dinosaurs with weird tails and prominent back and head spines, large toothed Pteranodons etc, they stand out even if the designs in game get re-used quite a bit with as much as a pallet swap and maybe one slight addition like a head piece to differentiate unless its a boss. There was also a design that was outright used in OG Dragon Ball that I was happy to see. There isn't as much to say about the style of the environments other than they look good and accurately reflect what they're named, Sand Land is very much a land of sand but I am grateful that it is not the only type of scenery available all throughout the game.

The story of the first half of the game mostly follows the manga, two demons venture out with an old man in a tank to find water, but some parts have had their order changed or elongated and there were brand new things added to what I assume more organically bridge into the second half which is entirely new. As I said in the intro, I read the manga but I did not watch the anime which I'm sure this new stuff is covered there. One of the notable new things added to the first half is the new party member, Ann. Originally it was just Rao, Beelzebub (who you play as) and Thief but she joins as the resident gearhead and a more organic style reason why the characters can get more bots because the manga was ONLY the tank. Well that is technically not true. Rao had a car but in the manga when it gets ruined it doesn't get fixed unlike in the game. I did enjoy the main group and think Ann was a great addition, though I can't say they aren't predictable as characters. Aside from a couple of the villains, the ones you spend the most of the time fighting against, I can't say I share the same feelings towards. They are just as basic, not that its a bad thing but it leads to some disengaging of interest in the narrative when I can predict every single plot beat introduced in the post manga content. I'm not saying I was expecting some Yoko Taro or Kojima level narrative and Sand land's is by no means bad, it just didn't do enough to make the predictability engaging. What you think is going to happen after reading the synopsis, is more than likely what will happen. The voice acting is hit or miss with I think Rao having the worst of it which is bad because he is one of the main characters with more of the important lines. I feel like they were going for the "battle hardened, tired old man has seen some shit" route but he is mostly so monotone it comes off as disinterested and doesn't match the character's emotion that is portrayed by the model's animations a lot of the time. Most other named characters were either good or fine but outside of the actual cutscenes, the stilted line reading that is common in this style of game makes even VA's like Kira Buckland (Ann's VA) unable to reach the levels we know they can. The dialogue that occurred during traversal also repeated a lot, and I mean A LOT. The dialogue updates after story beats but I heard the same line of dialogue three times on average when exploring ruins or doing story based dungeons. Its not as if they're allergic to dead air because there's plenty of times without it but other times they talk like its some first party sony game giving you a hint every 10 seconds. "We could get up here, if we had a bot that could jump" Beelzebub says as I am JUMPING IN THE JUMP BOT. This happens every time. I was also surprised that I enjoyed the music. Make no mistake you get plenty of "Desert Music" but the tracks that play specifically in the dungeons and towns at night were pretty beautiful.

So how's the gameplay then? Does it carry it if the narrative is as standard as I say? Depends. Do you like driving around? Because you will be doing A LOT of that. I would say 75% of the game was me driving a bot across the maps and doing various activities. There's grotto's to explore, hills to jump up (the game calls them hills but they're more like tall rock formations), field bosses to fight, bases to raid where some are stealth based and others are combat, ruins to explore and radio towers to fix, bounties and races. Those radio towers are not something you have to climb don't worry, and their requirement to fix might as well be non existent with how little you need and how plentiful those resources are as never once did I have to take a leave and come back to fix it and yes it does populate the map with undiscovered activities in the area. The grottos are just these small single room caves that have chests or ore deposits, maybe an enemy or two inside and sometimes need rocks destroyed to access. The hills are these tall rock formations that usually have a group of enemies you should defeat before jumping to the top and getting the treasure or ore deposits. Treasure chests have either materials or parts for the bots in them with the latter being in the large variant of chests. Ruins are generally larger than the grottos and sometimes have multiple entrances. Going through them you'll run into enemies, platforming challenges, and destructible rocks while you look for chests and ore deposits where both tend to be exclusive materials which in my case was assorted coins and old variants of metals. Unless I was just being blind, which is possible, the ruins always seemed to just...end. There wasn't really a noticeable "end point" or even a boss outside of specific mission based circumstances. It made them feel pretty limp, I'll be honest. The field bosses are differently designed but larger versions of the dinosaurs, panthers and crocs who's movesets aren't much different from their grunt counterparts. The human bosses are strictly from missions and have a lot more going for them than their animal counterparts or underlings. They are not just palette swaps with basic gear on their bots like what you find in the field, they have unique or specific optional parts for their bots to make the fights a bit more interesting such as emp mines, large missile packs or a grapple that then shoves 4 drills in you for massive damage.

If you aren't doing those then your time is spent driving around in whatever bot of your choice (until you need to swap for a specific feature one has), grabbing materials so you can upgrade your bots, finding fast travel points, shooting enemies and doing side quests whose contents aren't all that engaging outside of what worldbuilding they do and what they reward. The traversal gets a lot better once you get the first "traversal oriented bot" as early on it is pretty brutal with how slow the tank is even with boost. It was a good design choice to have the boost feature of bots be infinite outside of combat but I'd be lying if I said traversal didn't wear on me when those objectives where nowhere near the fast travel points. There is also a water mechanic. NO WAIT ITS NOT WHAT YOU THINK! It is not for thirst, its actually a heal and if your water bottle is full then its a revive should you die outside of your bot. A bot reaching 0 hp is game over though, no matter how many others you have on your person. The water can be refilled at the various water tanks around the map which is one of your discoverable fast travel point options. There were not many frame drops that I ran into while playing either. I only ever saw them when destroying rocks that blocked grottos, though this game does to the "low framerate mobs when far away" thing which never really bothered me to be honest.

Speaking of side quests, I won't call it a meta game but there's this hub you get early on called Spino. This town starts out with nothing, but as you do side quests they usually end with you telling someone "Hey, this town need people. Why don't you come on down?". This gets the town to grow and become more developed, get more facilities and upgrade said facilities so you can in turn upgrade your bots and just give people with nowhere to go a nice place to live in this harsh sandy land. It reminds me of building up colony 9 in Xenoblade Chronicles. Most side quests leading to "Come to Brazil Spino!" however is part of the reason why they aren't so engaging, the other being their standard side quests gameplay of "get this thing" or "find this person" or "kill this dinosaur" which is also not very captivating. I was doing them for what I got out it not because it was more game to play. You also gain access to a customizable room that you can decorate with furnishings you either buy, craft or find and can even put your bots in them which can also be expanded in size. I am not someone who really cares about interior design so I didn't spend much time on it and can't tell you if its good or bad. If you played Yakuza 8, its similar to the room you have on Dondoko Island.

Combat is generally pretty simple but it also tests your threat assessment abilities and if you've been keeping your bots of choice up to snuff. Generally though it boils down to driving around the encounter and taking shots at the enemy bots and using secondary weapons to pick off the foot soldiers as well as shooting down their missiles. You also need to suspend your disbelief because this game does the whole "The MCs don't kill, everyone they ever fought survived being shot by a tank cannon at point blank range and/or survived their bot exploding into a ball of fire". I'll give the game this though, you see the foot soldier enemies either have the dizzy stars or run away after to take down their hp fully (animals seems to actually die though, fuck their lives I guess) but I call bullshit on the ones in the bots. This also makes the times when the game talks about death to hit a lot more than it should which took me aback each time. Story based boss fights are different story as they have their phases the go in and out of and as you would expect, require a bit more actual ability to lead your shots than an normal encounter as they can be very mobile because yes this game asks that as well as having bullet drop for things like the tank cannon. There is also out of bot combat and Beelzebub is no slouch in that regard. He has his light and heavy attacks which as you should expect and the latter can be charged. Pressing heavy after a light will change the combo ender plus he can do ariel combos and the previous combo rules apply. My favorite was the 5 hit with the heavy ender which makes Beelzebub do that Chun Li super move, Tenshokyaku. Not only that, he can dodge cancel attacks even in the air. I LOVE DODGE CANCELING! Him along with the party have abilities they can use with Beelzebub having a meter and his party having cooldowns but otherwise your party will be fighting on their own. Rao has some moves for an old man, I gotta say.

I've brought up bots a lot so I'll get into them now. There are many different bots although there is some overlap between their unique function and those that overlap seem to have one lean more towards combat and the other traversal. If I wasn't doing every side quest as they appeared they would have been gotten in a reasonable flow. The tank is well, a tank. It is slow but has a lot of health, does fantastic damage with its main cannon and will be your bread and butter more than likely though my personal favorite is the Battle Armor and its goofy style punches. Other bots are made to jump high, traverse over unsolid ground, move items or just be a fast traversal bot among other things but can be used in battle with no issues. That doesn't sound like a lot sure but coupled with the overlap, you're coming up close to 20 different bots you can build and upgrade. Yes this does mean this is a game where you're better off engaging in every encounter if you can as not all materials can be found, some must be crafted with what you have on your person (or I guess demon). I am not someone who upgrades anything and everything, only what I use, so I never had an issue with not having materials unless they physically were not obtainable yet at that point in the game. It seems to be the game's way of limiting your power, though it feels like anything that is under your level scales to you (everything in the first Sand Land map was level 18 like I was when I went back for cleanup) while things that were set above stay that way until you out level them (I ran into level 20's when I wanted to go to a previously unexplored map section when I was level 15).

Even with knowing going in that the bots were a large part of the game, I was still surprised with just how much you could do with the upgrading and customization. Each bot has a different amount of parts they can equip and each individual part can be upgraded but using the tank as an example you can change and upgrade the primary and secondary weapons, body, suspension, engine, option (bonus feature, in the tanks case something like extra armor) and then 2 chip slots for bonuses. Each one of these will change the visuals for that part of the tank, not all are unique but there's several different looks you will see. Not only will they change physically, and stats wise, which should be a given, but after a certain point in the game you can customize the paint on your bots and depending on your bot you can have a lot of things to paint as some weapons have multiple color sections you can adjust. There are also several slots for decals with rotation and size options and you can adjust the metallic and glossy finishes on each individual parts. I gave my tank the angry face with sharp teeth look, some Pteranodon emblems and made it black and white. This does cost paint to do each time so its not free, and you can unlock more colors by doing some side quests. I did not see any way to transmog parts so those of you weirdos who put aesthetics above stats will need to either deal with being underpowered, hope you find a stronger version of that part you like or upgrade that part with materials.

This was honestly a type of game that on paper I should not have enjoyed as I am pretty staunch in my stance of "traversal is generally the worst part of large map/open world games". Until the first traversal style bot is build, going around the map was a chore and I recommend not trying to do too much exploring until you get one. Combat while simple is still engaging enough due to the customizable builds of the bots and ability to make them your own with colors and decals, along with out of bot combat being fun as well. The activities could use more variety to them with more worthwhile rewards other than materials 99% of the time but at least fast travel points are plentiful once discovered. The story is by the numbers at every turn and even with enjoying the main cast, it was really Toriyama's art that did the lifting for me which is how I felt after reading the manga. I don't know why this game was giving me such a hard time to track down but I think it was worth the effort. Rest In Peace, Akira Toriyama. I'm glad more of your work is finally getting attention.

Crysis ainda é um jogo legal, não é o suprassumo que um dia já foi, mas é um shooter bem divertido.
Ele sempre se vendeu pelos gráficos e até hoje eles são bem impressionantes, principalmente nos efeitos e iluminação que dão um pau em vários jogos atuais, na versão remasterizada o jogo teve algumas melhorias bem básicas além do Ray Tracing e se mantém bem bonito, nas configurações máximas até nomearam de "Can It Run Crysis?" em referência a piada da época por ser um jogo pesado, e bota pesado nisso, o remaster deixou ele pesado até pras RTXs, mesmo que não mude muita coisa.

Fora isso, o jogo oferece uma gameplay bem sólida, é gostosinho de jogar, não ficou datado e a física do jogo é impressionante, tudo têm impacto e reação, os maiores destaques da jogabilidade são a nanosuit que dá uma puta diferenciada de Crysis para outros jogos do gênero, você consegue correr mais rápido, usar superforça, usar uma armadura e se camuflar, isso oferece diversas formas de resolver cada conflito, ainda mais que as missões são bem abertas (até a metade do jogo) e possuem até objetivos secundários te dando uma falsa sensação de mundo aberto, até veículos estão presentes para serem usados, infelizmente a variedade de poderes ficou um tanto quanto scriptada no remaster, já que você tem a opção de deixar o jogo selecionar os poderes automaticamente pra cada situação. Além da roupa, outra parada maneirissima é a opção de mexer nos attachments das armas em tempo real e mudar eles de acordo com a situação em que você se encontra.

Por fim, tem o ponto mais fraco desse jogo que é a história, você não dá nada por ela e mesmo assim ela te decepciona, é fraca, rasa e o final é horripilante de ruim com um dos piores chefes finais já produzidos nos games. Nenhum personagem é interessante, os "vilões" se é que dá pra chamar eles assim são o cúmulo do genérico e o protagonista é um nada que fica comentando vez ou outra sobre o quê tá rolando, talvez, bem talvez, o único personagem interessante seja o Prophet e a aparição dele é bem curta, a história vai te carregando até a metade que é quando surgem os alienígenas, dali pra frente é o mais completo foda-se, as missões viram um corredor genérico onde você enfrenta trocentos alienígenas com uma resistência enorme, falando nisso, a inteligência artificial desse jogo é bizarra, te enxergam a quilômetros de distância e você morre com uma facilidade absurda o tempo todo, parece até campanha de COD no veterano.

Um completo desastre. Eu não consigo pensar em nada que esse jogo acerte, é totalmente derivativo e sem identidade, tecnicamente quebrado, o combate é horrível, level design confuso, a variedade de inimigos é mínima, além da péssima história e OST nada marcante.

O jogo é recheado de problemas, performance horrível, bugs frequentes e crashou varias vezes. Eu joguei muitos Souls-Like, e esse definitivamente é o pior, algo que deveria ser o foco, que é o combate é péssimo, nada responsivo ou prazeroso, esse jogo é um exercício de paciência, uma das piores coisas que joguei em anos.

Expansão meio inútil, conta o quê acontece com o Psycho durante a campanha do jogo base e apesar dele ser um personagem legalzinho, a história da DLC é mais chata que da campanha normal. A maior parte do tempo você só fica andando ou parado defendendo algum lugar durante um tempão, aí pra piorar é totalmente linear, pouquíssimos objetivos secundários e é extremamente fácil, parece até algum Call of Duty qualquer, única dificuldade foram as 5 vezes que crashou.

Que joguinho difícil esse, viu?
Mas é isso que torna o primeiro Crash Bandicoot uma experiência marcante no gênero plataforma. Sua jogabilidade mais variada e encontros de chefes que demandam mais raciocínio da parte do jogador fazem deste game mais uma pérola obrigatória para os fãs do já citado plataforma; além, é claro, dos ótimos gráficos de sua época.

Obs: se você puder, jogue esse jogo no PC pq a experiência total só o PC pode proporcionar.

Simplesmente uma obra de arte! O enredo e o universo desse jogo são coisas de outro mundo e os personagens são muito legais, principalmente a Niko. Esse jogo foi feito para ser jogado 2 vezes e isso só enriquece ainda mais a história. O jeito que esse jogo quebra a quarta parede e mexe no seu computador é INCRÍVEL!!! Seja criando pastas, modificando aspectos no seu PC, você tendo que abrir arquivos que o jogo gera para progredir na sua missão, e o jogo interage com você jogador e sabe da sua existência como jogador.


Obs: levei 7h pra zerar na 1° vez e 4h na 2° vez