fire emblem ranking

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Best FE story and characters by far, with very fun, challenging gameplay to boot. Ike is the best FE lord and it isn't really close
Would be my favourite in the series if the main story writing wasn't actively abhorrent. Best map design and core gameplay in the series and it isn't really a contest whatsoever
Similar strengths to Radiant Dawn but the story is a bit weaker and the gameplay is a lot easier
One of the greatest games of all time if you're exclusively playing it in a Discord call while streaming it and everyone is ironically gassing up shitty units and hilariously awful maps but its up here just for how much I enjoyed it. Weirdly enough though, the endgame map is one of the best they've ever done and the clone map this game has is also amazing, despite its weird ass maps that pollute its later half. The Fates engine is still my favourite gameplay style in the series
Fantastic gameplay wise but the story is super dull and not really entertaining, and the map design in the later half of the game is pretty fucking awful. I also deduct it points literally just for Rosado because a transphobic stereotype like that in a 2023 release is abhorrent
Its super easy but I loved the twins and the game generally being easy makes it really damn enjoyable
Game is really slow and not super grabbing for the first generation until chapter 5 but the second generation is great and Seliph is my second favourite FE lord, only behind Ike
"Send Robin forward and watch as they burn an entire army to the ground". A hilariously broken game but not good if you want a proper strategy game
Fates engine cant save this one unfortunately. Conquest and Revelation have comically bad stories, this one just has a boring bad story. Also every map is rout and you can beat half of the game with only Ryoma
Misogyny ridden writing, garbage gameplay with an awful story that betrays its own themes, where both of the lead protagonists are both detrimental to its narrative. The voice acting, artwork and music try to salvage it but otherwise nothing in this game is good


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