I just don't see why people call it the best in the series. It's not even close. It's just pretty good.

Not bad for the first try at 3dish.

At least its better than the first one

I'm sure it was great when it came out but today it's just kinda... bad.

The third best game in the series

The best and most underrated mario kart game I dont get why the fanbase hates on this one

My biggest complaint is that many of the moons feel lazy and it would have been better either with a smaller scope or more time in the oven. Movement feels better than ever


Such a disappointing game

Much better than the second one

The best game in the series because it has bloon chipper

A great tower defense game but bring back the bloon chipper please

One of the best puzzle games ever made

They need to make another game in this series. They are much better than the main series because you can actually reasonably play a game in a day instead of a month