A revolutionary game in the industry that also has the best game soundtrack of any game and is absolutely amazing and has aged extremely well. Not perfectly, but it has aged better than pretty much every other N64 game.

A great improvement in nearly every way on BotW. However, I miss stasis, the sky islands are a bit devoid of content, the depths should have more variety, the sage cutscenes after beating each dungeon are all identical, and most of all the sages are very annoying to activate to the point where I only keep Tulin enabled most of the time.

Even after playing Tears of the Kingdom, this game is just so special to me

Some people put this as the greatest game of all time. Personally, the 3 day cycle never clicked with me and just made me anxious to get everything, but I definitely see where those people are coming from. Great game.

It is an amazing game and on its own it has aged beautifully, but it's not without its problems and other Zelda games have done it better in the time since it came out. Definitely worth playing even today.

I rate it as the worst 3d Zelda I have played (Twilight Princess is on my wishlist) but it is a great game and it is over-hated. It just has some glaring flaws and pads out its playtime too much. I have no complaint with the motion controls unlike many other people, but I can understand anyone that does.

Very fun but not much else to it.

This is not only my favorite platformer of all time but also my favorite game. It has an amazing soundtrack, great level design, an in-depth movement system, and a story that has literally changed the lives of countless people. What's not to love? Also, Ch.7 and Ch.9 are my two favorite single levels of any game ever.

I first played it as the easter egg in Celeste. Months later, I came back to it on browser as well and started speedrunning it. It's a great little game to beat if you have 15 spare minutes of your time.

It is my favorite level in any game ever. It will also probably take the average player the same amount of time as they took to beat the entire main story the first time. I love it

I love that they made a second one

The best mod for Celeste.