Indika is a very short (~4hrs) walking game filled with puzzles and thought-provoking dialogue. Oh, the brilliant voice acting in this game... I loved the emotions that the 'narrator' put into his work. The ending leaves you hanging with questions in your mind. There are many scenes where you can't get what's happening because it's confusing or because it happens too fast.
I also want to state that I dissected the game and they animated every scene; characters are moving even when you don't see them in cutscenes or in the game. And the demon is also a part of some cutscenes, but you can't see it. They put real effort into this game. It's sad that it was short.
The downsides were pretty much the optimization and some less-polished parts of the game.

Having to make my own decisions was a terrifying experience. I will never do it again. And before anyone asks, I did it, everyone! I fixed her! (I got the good ending)
It was one of the best visual novels I have ever played. Great voice acting, great story, and the voices in my head are accurate. It's impressive that they are still updating the game, and a big update that'll extend the game by 25% is on its way. It's also not a very long game; I finished it in 5 hours because I took my sweet time and wandered around.
There was a sequence where I refused to continue doing what I was told, and the game shut down after the entity told me, "I will be here when you are ready" or something. I was flabbergasted. Next time I opened the game, that same entity welcomed me, and I continued where I left off.
I just wished that the Voice of the Hero and the Narrator's voice wasn't so identical.
It is truly a unique experience and a must-play.

Best DLC of BL1. It is short but absolutely fun. Killing Claptraps was nice and the quests are rather enjoyable other than Tannis' quests. And finishing this DLC marks the end my BL1 journey. It was fun while it lasted but I don't think I will ever visit this game again, because I have BL2 ffs...

It is a miracle that I got to finish this brilliant game, and now people can stop bullying me because I haven't played it before.

My rating criteria for this game are games released in 2010 and prior. 
I had so many technical difficulties. Even by the standards of that time, this game has so many bugs that softlock you, tons of crashes, and buggy graphics settings. Also, controls got bugged, and I couldn't press the ESC key at all. I had to Alt-Tab every time to pause the game. These technical problems made me finish the game in a week, in about 25 sessions.

However, the story was intriguing, and the horror elements were used in such an amazing way that I got scared of my own shadow multiple times. The library part was made because they hate us players and they want us to have a heart attack. Plus. I liked the funny Ulman jokes.

Oh, the ending was also crazy! Here is footage of me during the ending!

They catfished me with Moxxi into playing this DLC.
I thought that maybe it would be more fun with other players but I was wrong. Literally put me to sleep. Just skip this DLC, will you?

Started because of Phyllis. She gets me acting up every single time.
It took me 10 hours to realize I actually don't like farming/life sim games. Even though it was such an 'obstacle', I enjoyed it while it lasted. After a while, everything started to feel like a 'burden' rather than an enjoyable experience. Everything feels so tedious and messy that I couldn't even finish building my first bridge during this time.

I have every Borderlands game but guess who comes back to this gem?
This is the OG Borderlands with BL2 being the peak. Other games are just made by otherworldly people who doesn't understand what basic BL fans basically want.
It was fun, with it's humor, gameplay, references and easter eggs. Even after all those years, it still holds up. I have the urge and passion to 100% this game and it's DLCs.
Hearing Tannis go insane over time was fun. And I liked the reference to Diablo 2 with the Rakkinishu boss.

I guess this GOTY Enhanced version are made by the same people who made the other modern garbages as this game has been worked on more than a few times and still has memory leak which forces you to restart the game as you will be getting 3 FPS. Also the dialogues are bugged and sometimes they won't play which causes you to miss out on the story and the missions (where claptrap informs you that there are new missions at a person/bounty board)
And the best bug yet! Clipping out the map and falling to your demise and you don't even respawn until you restart your save.

I played BL1 and BL2 with passion but the other games just sucked the passion and soul out of me just like those dementors from Harry Potter.
I have no hope for the future of this franchise and the upcoming movie.
Thanks a lot for where you've taken this franchise, Randy Pitchford.

Knoxx storyline was funny and Athena is a beautiful addition to the series. Crawmerax was lit.
It was nice seeing all those new enemies and new cars but got frustrated after trying to complete every quest because there are no fast travel points and you have to drive through the whole map. So much grind.
Still an okay DLC, even though my 'Completionist' achievement is bugged...

Not that I would know but according to the others, it's fun with friends.

It was a nice concept, however there are too many dialogues and game is overall slow. You have to finish many quests to unlock some items. I just wanted to get in the game and play it like a sandbox. However, that's on me, just like Kratos said: "Keep your expectations low boy, and you'll never be disappointed."
I might try the 2nd game tho

Somehow a random dude's closed beta key got into my email as it did with many others and I could get a peek at this game. I don't even know why I signed up for beta.
Optimization is kinda rough at this point, which is fine because it's still in closed beta.
There are few cars and few tracks and gameplay is kinda hard, I know this game is striving to be the most realistic car game and it is the reason why I struggled to drive the cars. I just want to wreck some cars in a derby.

I have searched the whole internet to find this game that wasn't corrupted with malware. My search was successful and I have never been more proud to waste that much time looking for something.
Very basic yet fun.
I have uploaded this game to my Archive account @

This is a delightful game with entertaining exploration, immersive and engaging story, strategic fights, good camp management, balanced gameplay, satisfying character progression, and a devilish yet enjoyable loot system that allows you to loot people's homes. I finished for the second time when I found out that I didn't get the 'true' ending, thus adding a nice replay value.

It was a fun FarCry game after all those years. It still follows in the footsteps of FarCry 3/4 but it's better. The story was kinda lame and you have to buy New Dawn to continue the story, so that's a bad decision.
Graphics and optimization is top notch and gameplay is nice.
I started this game after seeing those 'release me' memes but it seems this is not that game. I am ashamed of myself.
All in all, worth playing.

Solid DLC for a solid game. Whenever I killed a zombie, they dropped zombie brains and I collected them all. Finished the DLC and I still don't know why I collected them.
Too many zombies around you will be frustrating but you'll get through.
I loved the reference to Shaggy from Skaggy Doo!