i wonder why this is my favorite atlus media ever created

played the first 2 at least 10 times each when i was like 14, probably really helped my mental state as a kid. thought i would hate how isaac speaks in this one now, but it really made some of the scenes that were more awkward with his previous silence better. a great remake.

i absolutely 100% understand what the fujoshis were talking about with kim and harry now. the political shit was boring though

act 1-3 are literal slop. 3 quarters of act 4 is sleep inducing. not a single combat encounter in 4 acts is otherworldly. act 5 wont be much better

underrated and overhated extreme

great game, great story, but honestly, the demo made me more excited for Y8 than i was for this game.

dropped this in 2 hours. combat is slow and impactless, driving the batcycle is also slow, for a fucking superpowered motorcycle. story, for what i saw of it was boring and meaningless. you know a game will be good when you see an enemy and they have a giant level icon above their head.

to this day i still question why i even bought this game

dropped on final boss. whoever thought the final boss needs 3 different fights needs to be fired

kinda late to the party, i picked bruno, probably one of the more annoying characters to have to listen to. good game with pretty rough quests and mostly nothing characters.

fuck every sidequest with amanda though

this game has genuinely saved my life more than once. i know how cringe that sounds but this is genuinely peak gaming. terra, locke and kefka are some of the best characters ever designed to date. if i could rate this 6 stars i would

game literally doesn't work on ps5

only good character redesign in this entire dogshit game