I assume this is the shape of mainline Kirby going forward.

Bonk is a really interesting foil to Super Mario Bros. The game is slower, and more exploratory. You have a more acrobatic move set that Mario would really only adopt later. It's more forgiving in terms of letting you continue from where you've died, having health at all, and being able to expand it.

I really liked a compressed, more forgiving Contra experience. It doesn't overstay its welcome.

The animation of the palm trees are a great example of Konami polish.

This is right up there with Kirby's Dream Land for most impressive use of the DMG.

Nemesis on steroids. Multiple characters. Hard as nails. One of the best STG for the DMG.

I think this is maybe one of the strongest games for Game Boy Color as a platform. The set-back nature of failure is a bit frustrating, and I did save state my way through the golf mini games on an Analogue Pocket. A younger me would have brute forced it but time is precious.

The level design is excellent. There are always hints pulling you along without being overly overt. The mechanics feel very satisfying. Wario has a huge array of abilities and the game finds seemingly endless ways to exercise them.

Each treasure is gated behind a unique wrinkle to the gameplay formula. Environments are beautiful and varied. Bosses are whimsical and reasonably challenging. This one slipped under my radar when it was new even though I loved Wario Land II and this is such a welcome refinement of that formula.

This is absolutely a game that I'll go back and 100%.

This is about as much as I can probably enjoy a AAA game. Web slinging and controlling Miles feels great. Scenario design and mission structure hasn't changed at all since GTA III.

This is a really impressive homebrew, backporting some mechanics from New Super Mario Bros into Super Mario Land. Assets are sampled down or created from scratch where needed.

The jump feels closer to Land's than NSMB's, but the controls are tight and responsive.

Now they can finally put this approach to bed.

This is a really cool bridge between Actraiser and the rest of the Quintet games for Super Nintendo.

I was surprised by how dark the story was for a Nintendo game of its vintage.