35 Reviews liked by mikue

am i this much worse as an adult or has this game always just handled like absolute ass i can't tell

This game does racing right. Not only are you thinking moment to moment, but trying to achieve long term goals as well. It's one of the most engaging and fast paced racing games I've played.

Comparing this to Mario Kart, it's no contest. In Riders, you'll be engaging with multiple systems at any given time. Aside from drifting around corners, staying on track, beating up other racers, and riding turbulence (which are moment to moment systems) you'll be managing your air meter to stay afloat, gathering coins to upgrade your air meter, and boosting to gain speed. In mario kart you drift and use items. You don't even have control over items, so there is little gameplay there. While I understand that these both are not trying to do the same thing, I can safely say that Sonic Riders is a more engaging single player racing game.

The thing that impresses me the most is how second nature everything becomes. You'd think that this would be overwhelming, and at first, it is. But as you learn the game it becomes easier and easier to keep up with the moment to moment gameplay while thinking ahead.

I think the biggest issue with the game are that it doesn't have a ton of content. It doesn't have a ton of tracks, and there are a couple stinkers. So really, you don't have a ton to work with. The story mode is a decent challenge though, and unlocking all of the vehicles can provide a solid body to host the core gameplay. Also the drifting can be wonky sometimes. However Overall, it's still a very good game.

This was a game I played a ton of when I was a kid, and I recently managed to snag a used copy. Overall, it was not as good as I remember. The story itself is boring and the new Babylon Rogues are so generic it hurts. Mission Mode is repetitive and only good for unlocking some bonus characters from other SEGA games. Lastly, the game is just so overwhelming with the amount of different mechanics it throws at the player. Still, I was able to pick it back up easily because of my past playthroughs. I absolutely do not recommend this to any casuals looking for a racing game (go play Mario Kart).

This is such a blast of a game to play.

The rock solid track design, the great and in-depth mechanics that requires solid play from the player, the game having three different styles in the vein of Sonic Heroes, which makes you think strategically which Type of Character is the best to use, and just the overall style to this game is so cool.

However, I wish the game had more tracks to offer. And this game's biggest issue without of doubt is the game not properly teaching the mechanics to the player, which won't be good for first time players, and it's quite a shame because that's what holds this game back. However, once you're able to get a grasp of Riders, the real fun begins.

Despite this game's issues, I still have a blast with it, and I recommend you at least give it a shot.

This game taught me the proper technique to pick my nose that I still use to this day

The music, storytelling and art direction is all peak sonic but i'm sorry man i can't playing this with nunchuck disconnection issues every 10 seconds and massive delay with each slash. What it's trying to go for could be solid but it's just too basic and rough for me to care about finishing it.

You know Sonic Team, when you come up with a serviceable albeit repetitive combat system idea, it’s best not to combine it with unresponsive motion controls with terrible input delay.

Whenever a game is being discussed with a combat system in mind, perhaps it’s best you sit that discussion out from now on, yeah?

A fine game that gets a little too much hate sometimes. Truth be told I really enjoy the concept of sonic with a sword because it switches up the formula. The storybook games had such a unique storyline that it overshadows some of the bad parts. Thats just me tho.

the story's above average for a sonic game but the gameplay is so whatever that it's just kind of okay

If the loading screens weren't so unbearably frequent and long, I probably would actually have played this game more since it's the closest thing to Sonic Adventure 3 we'll ever get, and as such, the game is bizarre, over-dramatic, and hilarious. Far, far, far away from being the "worst game ever". It's not even the worst Sonic game...other than the dang loading screens. Let me put it this way, people are still talking and thinking about this game 14 years later. That in itself makes it more memorable and valuable than 90% of other games that come out.

my wife said it was her or fishing

sometimes i miss her

I wish presidents got shot this easily!