This is basically Firewatch in space, this one is great especially cause of it's setting and atmosphere. I loved both of those things and kinda want to read the book now just to see what the cannon choices were for Yasna. If you don't mind a walking simulator this game is fantastic, you can truly get immersed in it's world.

As for the game polish itself, you can obviously tell that it's indie and not super polished BUT... it's still incredible. I really hope there's more of this world in the novel that I can discover.


Still good after all these years later, not many games capture my attention like this one did. The graphics are dated but me personally, I don't mind it. If you truly can't get past that fact look into Black Mesa, it's a remake of this game brought up to today's standards and is still equally as magical.

Outer Wilds is a brilliant game, I am a massive fan of storytelling through gameplay and this just absolutely nailed it. It can be scary at times even though it isn't marketed as a scary game just giving you a heads up, it isn't a horror game there are just parts that are scary, it had me on the edge of my seat by the very end. Do yourself a favor and play this already.

Not quite as legendary as something like Minecraft but it's pretty up there. I love the progression the most, the path is dug for you in a very satisfying way and is just great. The sole reason I'm not giving a 4 or 5 star are those damn deathsquitos.

It is good but it is ultimately flawed in some aspects which I will highlight.

1: The duplicate bosses. It's just lazy but I guess how else are you going to fill a world this massive.

2: The scaling of enemies. if you aren't leveling vigor enough you will be raw dogged so far up your ass your name will be made Sally. Like seriously some attacks from a boss either take half or nearly all your health bar, it's one or the other.

3: The guides, the game tells you where to go only for you to get destroyed and think "damn I guess I just suck" but really you just need to explore and level first before going where the game told you to go.

4: Content bloat. There is too much stuff. I've heard many people complain about this too, too many weapons, too many spells, too many builds, it's mainly the map though, it's just straight up too big. If you have mastered the game you will most likely come to love this part but for the majority of people this is overwhelming.

Once you get around or ignore these hurdles, you'll be fine.

Out of every soulsborne this should be your first, the atmosphere is unmatched. It took me 3 attempts to finally push through and for it to click, don't give up on it.

Great fun, the combat felt unfair on the higher difficulties which got pretty frustrating but overall I came away with a wonderful experience.

Now that the launch disaster is over. This game is pretty good, gameplay feels good and the story is where this game shines. If you are currently looking to play the game right now, wait for the dlc to drop. The main game will get a big overhaul along with it, and will likely improve a lot of systems. But... if you really want to get in and don't want to wait for the overhaul, the base game is now in a very good state.

The parts that make it similar to papers please are good, the other elements are just eh...