My first venture into the Persona franchise was P5R, which kept strangling me with tutorials of new mechanics at the 15th hour of my gameplay still. Me being used to the core mechanics is what got me to double my patience and drop P3R around the 32 hour mark. The story was interesting but I just couldn't bear with Tartarus anymore let alone 30 more hours of it. One positive thing is, I'll definitely be looking forward to RE:Fantazio.

Super, super, SUPER fun. Apart from a few balancing issues with the secondary weapons, I have no qualms with the game. Watching a hellbomb or 500kg bomb go off is worth the prcice of admission alone.

Addition of LEGO, Rocket Racing and Festival modes makes this game a highway robbery at $0.

Mechanics that are nothing special combined with an irritating writing.

It's mechanically great, nothing more to say. The story is absolutely not subtle about where it's going and what will transpire, yet it did not stop me from sobbing uncontrollably in the final scenes. Maybe one of the best endings ever written in VG history.

The worldbuilding is one of the best, and the setting just oozes creativity. The story shattered my heart towards the end.

Phenomenal start to the modern Resident Evil era. Getting to play this in VR was absolutely delightful.

An epic conclusion to the Greek saga in GoW. One of the best hack-and-slash games with an ending worthy of it's predecessors.

The engine switch flopped so hard it killed the series and handed the entire market to EA. A turning point in football games, and not for the good.

I believe that a game that is able to make me cry (bar fromsoft games which make me cry out of frustration) is a very good video game. And this is the game that set that bar for me. I finished this game the middle of the room while our neighbors were visiting, I was 11-12 and I shamelessly cried howling to the ending. The best Telltale could and will ever put out.

Contender for the best video game of all time. Incredible story, amazing visuals, challenging gameplay. But most of all, one of the most harrowing and captivating atmospheres created of all time in fiction.


If it weren't for the out of the left field ending, this would belong in the hall of fame of video game history. That being said, I won't let the sour taste of the ending to prevent me from saying that this was one hell of a game, and you should absolutely play it.

A story full of heart that surpasses the characters' MCU counterparts and mechanicsthat become tedious halfway through the story, it is an injustice that we will never see a sequel to this game.

Eight years were spent developing this and the result is a bland, boring game that adds nothing to previous Bethesda titles. A very sterile Space-RPG where every companion is a goody two shoes, the ideologies of the factions are so empty and the main story is a nothing burger.

Absolute travesty of a port and a shoddy remaster. You are better off playing the original release on PC.