Was so easy to get lost in the wonder and world of Skyrim.

Battlefield 1 probably had the single most exhilarating and ridiculously fun multiplayer for me ever. I found it incredibly rewarding to be able to do well in the game despite never being a great shot in FPS games, contributing in a number of other fun ways to my team. The maps are solid and the variety of vehicles and weapons makes for a lot of differing ways to play.

The single player campaign offers some nice gameplay, with maybe a bit too much emphasis on stealth style gameplay in each of the war stories. However it serves as a nice introduction to each of the games major elements and works as a perfect lead in to the chaos of multiplayer, despite its hammy melodrama.

Battlefield 1 is one of the most endlessly playable games ever, and one I still continue to launch now and again for the thrill of being thrown into the fire.

The best multiplayer experience I've ever had in a video game. So frustratingly addicting and fun.


Chaotic, great looking and perfectly challenging, Doom is just so ridiculously fun. Had an absolute blast each time I fired it up, and so satisfying killing demons.

Strategy game that is pretty easy to understand but has some very challenging levels. Does a great job of immersing one into the world of Middle-earth with two great campaigns, especially the intriguing evil campaign that counters the film based good campaign.

So ridiculously stressful and so well made. Holds up incredibly well and is better than a large portion of 2000s games. Absolutely brilliant.

Probably the single greatest game I've ever played. Took some time for me to really get back into it after not playing for several months, but once I was back in, I was absolutely hooked and got completely lost in the incredible and gorgeous world. The most emotionally invested I maybe have ever been in a video game.

Great story in an incredible world with a fantastic score and classic Rockstar dialogue and characters.

Doesn't hit the nail on the head quite like Mass Effect 2, but that doesn't make this game any less fantastic. Still fantastic gameplay, even though the "building the army" mechanic could probably have some more complexity to it to make it more interesting. Great story, great gameplay and absolutely gorgeous.

One of the best video game sequels ever that does such a brilliant job at expanding its world, establishing a number of fantastic characters and making for a very emotional and intense story. Improves upon the first game in every conceivable way.

Absolutely adore the world of Mass Effect. The main story missions are as great as ever. The side missions and the environments within them can become super repetitive, particularly any one of them involving the clunky vehicle, the Mako. Thankfully those missions didn't make it into the following games.

Perhaps my all-time favorite game, Call of Duty 2 was the first game I ever beat on its toughest difficulty. The gameplay of it is so much fun that I find it so ridiculously replayable. Not a single level or moment feels like a waste of time, each throwing you into an exhilarating and often loud environment that never ceases to thrill. Pointe du Hoc is still perhaps one of the greatest levels in the Call of Duty franchise.

Brilliant expansion that perfectly captures the magic of the first Call of Duty's gameplay while bringing some awesome new missions into the fold with new interesting weapons and situations. A bit buggy at times, but still a near perfect companion piece to a classic FPS.

One of the most ridiculously fun FPS games I've ever played, this has been a personal favorite for so many years. The level designs are great and have a nice bit of variety to them. The game is appropriately challenging (almost impossibly so during some levels) and creates such an engaging environment with the great sound design and score. The dam level still stresses me out like no other level.

Great looking game with lots of exciting gameplay and an interesting enough story to keep you into it. Maybe a bit repetitive and lacking anything that truly sets it apart, but it's a very solid game top to bottom.