Sometimes the motion controls don't be working but a super fun game overall

This is just a fun game, of the GBAs best

My first fire emblem game was a fire one

The definitive Hoenn experience, love the battle frontier too

Sloooooow but I had a good time playing it

SUCHHH a better improvement compared to diamond and pearl and the definitive way to play sinnoh

This is my favorite pokemon game ever. It took risks which the game freak are afraid to do now and with those risks crafted an rpg that I think everyone should play

Why can't modern pokemon do what this game did so well. Everything about it is spectacular although I do prefer the originals

Playing this game felt like a nothing experience and the whole game just feels like such a downgrade after generation 5. Even as just a pokemon game it falls flat and the ony thing I kinda like are the new pokemon and available ones

A remake of generation 3 could've been much better in my opinion but what we got was still a great and fun pokemon game

This is what introduced me to pokemon and I still have the save file and love the game to this day

I honestly don't get people who like the original game better because this one just has so much more content and things to do and pokemon to catch

I will defend this game but admit it's not good

I'll defend this game but I will admit it's not good

Fun in the moment but that's just because it's a remaster not a remake of actually good games. This game was just disappointing on another level