A step in the right direction for the series, this game just didn't grab me especially the story

An incredible platformer with such good music

A perfect return to form for 2D metroid

I replay this game all the time because it's not only just a great remake but a great game overall

Not too big on the linearity but the game uses it in it's favor to craft a memorable metroid experience

Masterpiece of a game (played on switch but it doesn't show)

Fantastic game with such a cool concept and one of the best experiences on the 3DS

Such a damn good Kirby game with so much to do all on a SNES cartridge

The most fire breakout game I have ever played

This is very impressive for an NES game but it has a lot of flaws making it hard to go back to for me

A quick and easy little Kirby game but a very enjoyable one

So much of a masterpiece that it's the only Zelda game I have ever beaten

I think everyone knows by know this is an incredible game

I don't really care for this game mainly because I didn't play it while it was popular and there's no point visiting it now when Ultimate is just this game but better. Not that is is a bad games it's just not my favorite