dis shit is awesom breh liek i dont even care waht u think its so sick

got filtered and restarted the game 3 times and somehow it stuck with me the fourth time and i played it for 77 hours in 8 days. Ghywum the nerevarine a real one ong

i love this game so much it has everything. awesome music, amazing writing i love literally all the characters so much that i just don't want to do a genocide play through. flips the rpg formula on its head and becomes super meta by the end asking the player serious questions about our actions. its just really good bro

its just okay a typical ff game. subpar story, mediocre combat, alright music. a little forgettable. the job system is interesting but really once you get into a high enough job level, switching to another class just means grinding for a couple hours and thats lame. I Just. HATE limiting saving to the overworld and losing hours of progress.