i got lost a lot and the game boy color scheme didn't help much, its a prime example of how metroid explores a sense of isolation but its also really bad just play the remake

bro yes

im currently on my 9th playthrough like what do you want me to say dude this game changed ho wi literally look at life, shit getting you down bro?? its like dark souls you gottta beat the boss its gonna be hard ik..... but its just like darks ouls its all AD RKO SURLDS

it made me sad and confused and thats all i really want from video games

shigesato itoi is a genius, earthbound is an amazing rpg that subverted expectations with its quirkiness and fun visuals. the game never lets go of its humor. one of the only games to make me cry, not only because of the final moments but because it ended.

first is better idk maybe im smoking crack something just doesnt click with me like the first one

im not lying when i say this is geniunely one of the best games ive ever played


waited years for this, looks amazing, but really disappointing

bedrock sucks but i've bought minecraft like 8 times now oh my god i love you so much

i dont know what happend to me but i have played this game everyday for a month straight but it never gets boring there are like infinite possibilities and even when you might exhaust (hehe exhaust get it my fellow ironcladders) the normal runs and ascensions you can do custom runs ITS FUCKIGN AWESOME !!!!! defect ftw btw