5 reviews liked by monodopado

Una historia sobre como las utopías de huir de la Tierra a Marte solo son cuentos para los ultrarricos. En este futuro lo han logrado y la vida en Marte es miserable para todos los que viven allí, solo sostenidos por la nostalgia y las drogas.

¿Y qué hacen los ricos? Viajan a la Tierra a jugar al golf entre sus ruinas. Pero en esa Tierra, ya libre de los mismos plutócratas que la destruyeron, la vida puede volver.

Un juego anticapitalista con una crítica nada sutil a Bezos y Musk con una jugabilidsd simpática.

One of those games that is allergic to letting the player have fun.

If you beat Malenia with a mimic tear or spells... no you didn't, go back and do that shit like an adult.

Joking aside this game does what I thought to be nearly impossible - it makes a truly open game with (relatively) minimal repetition, amazing level design, and consistently engaging content, all while not completely fucking over the balancing. Art direction is dope as always, enemies are goddamn hell-fucks as always, and this has some insanely fun boss fights. Is the game perfect? Fuck no, but there are so many hours worth of amazing content within this game, that it feels a bit wrong to not give it a 5. BOTW 2 better do something crazy because it's boutta feel DRY AS SHIT after Elden Ring. The existence of this game should yeet BOTW from every "best of" list from here on out.

Partidinha básica com uma zweihander overpower só para desestressar.

"ainnn walking simulator ainn ainn" foda-se, jogasso.