Even as bots plague the casual servers, this is the best shooter I've ever played in my life. I'll give a quick mention to the great characterisations, visuals, voices, all that, but the gameplay here is STUPID good. Even outside of the main PVP modes you have Mann vs Machine which is the best PVE mode I've ever played in a game, and the unofficial modes like Deathrun and even Jump Academy have taken HUNDREDS of hours of my time. If you have a computer that was made after like, 2014 or something, go and play this. It's that simple.

This is an admittedly simple VN that REALLY goes places. Each loop starts off the same but branches off a TON depending on what you choose, and each outcome is a pleasure to run into. I didn't really notice the music all that much but the voice acting and hand-drawn visuals are great, and of course if the seen dialogue sprawls out a bit too much for you there's no problem with skipping past it. The overall plot is pretty good, but the main meat of the game is DEFINITELY what choices lead to what and how the Princess ends up as a result of them, which to me are worth the price of admission alone.

This to me is where Warioware was at its best. It really takes advantage of the ENTIRE console for its microgames, with some modest and charming art in every one. Nothing feels dragged out, and while yes the extra bonuses this time aren't that good, you'll MORE than be occupied with the main game and how much fun it is with gathering high scores even after you finish the last batch.

I'm not joking, go play this game NOW. I think this might take it over World as the best 2D Mario game ever made, and considering how much I didn't like the Switch before this that's saying something. The gameplay and controls are IMMACULATE, nearly every single level is unique (not overstaying themselves either) with madly good art, and though there's like.......five bosses or something, they're not bad at all. The Wonder effects themselves REALLY take things here though, and you genuinely have 0 idea what a level will offer you half the time. If any game signalled the new golden era of Mario, it's this one.

I don't think this is as good as Touched, but it's by a HAIR. The microgames are just as whacky and fun, there's charm oozing everywhere and the Forms are still very responsive for the most part. If someone preferred this over Touched I wouldn't blame them at all.

I'm going to admit it, I'm absoLUTELY biased for this one. No out there inventive bosses, no overly complex gameplay, but this is one of my favourite games of all time easily. Almost no other game is as charming to me as this one with its heavily improved visuals and music, and despite how primitive the gameplay and levels are I still somehow always come back to them due to how appealing they are. This is a HUGE reason as to why the SNES is my favourite console.

I can't really show it, but I prefer this just SLIGHTLY above 8. This entry has straight up the best gameplay in the series, only really contested by Double Dash. It's both refined AND crazy, with inward drifting bikes being a HUGELY special mention. Bundled with immensely charming presentation, some of the best songs and levels in the series and a plethora of unlockables, this will keep you going for a long time, even before you try Wiimfii.

Ironically taking an 8 from me (lmao)
If you want a refined Mario Kart experience without any jank, this is it. I'm mainly speaking on races since I don't care for this game's battle mode, but even years later this proves to be one of the best looking games Nintendo has made with some STELLAR tracks, WHOLLY revised retro tracks especially thanks to DLC and an all around great experience. It sorely misses that older Mario Kart kookiness the games before 7 had, but you REALLY can't go wrong playing this and there's at least a good few out of the now 96 courses that you'll like.

Ironically taking a 7 from me, this is a general solid Mario Kart. The nitro courses aren't really all that, there isn't a VS mode and the battle mode still isn't very good, but you can't go wrong with how the races play here. Not to mention the INCREDIBLE retro lineup, which pulls an opposite MKDS to be the true reason you go back to play this.

Still one of the hardest hitting games I've played. The gameplay isn't much of course, but so much went into the overall package from the excellently drawn visuals to the allsorts OST, and the scares REALLY hit you first time round.

The Plus version makes things far more definitive though with the side stories, really making another playthrough worthwhile if you didn't feel like bothering. They hit even harder and make the characters even better to the point where I'd almost consider them superior to the main game. WELL worth checking out.

It's hard for me to hate this game due to nostalgia and the charm it has, but MAN the gameplay isn't good. The presentation is fine and I like the music too, but the controls are utterly horse dung and the levels aren't really that good either, with like ZERO threat coming from the enemies. Cute to play for a bit but it'll start graining on your patience after a while.