
Straight-up I need to convey 2 things:
1. You need to watch the beginner's guide to this game by the YouTube critic, UnderTheMayo. It has a lot of neat information & a trick that I think the game forgot to mention in its tutorial.
2. I HATE rogue-lites.
Still, many of the similar flaws I have with the rogue-lite formula still continue within this game, I'm not going to ignore that. That is a truth.
However I'm willing to overlook that here, and that's simply due to the state of the game, and how freaking awesome the game-play itself is!

Deadlink has been perfectly constructed by folks whom know exactly what they're trying to achieve, and have an actual vision for a game. That's bold, and that's sad such has be stated; because I feel a lot of games nowadays don't.
Yet the developers at Gruby Entertainment has successfully made a grand entrance to the entire market, and I'm so proud of them. Good freaking job, lads. You made me straight-up love a rogue-lite. That's only the 2nd time that has ever happened.
What a glamorous inaugural, honestly. Bravo!


If you love DOOM Eternal, you'll love this game.
If you love rogue-lites, you'll love this game.
If you love both of the aforementioned things, you'll adore this game.

The mere game-play for Deadlink has been so refined & perfected by actual maestros of the industry, and sheer titans already. I have nothing but respect for what they've pulled-off here.

At first, for my ~30-or-so minutes of my playtime I hated the game-play... A little bit of an overstatement, but I found it really weird & uncomfortable; in the negative perspective. I hated how I always ran out of ammo, and how I had to keep reloading my shotgun... But then I finally watched the aforementioned video listed above, and that changed EVERYTHING ! The sheer act of how to get ammo like a pro using 'Marked' enemies was entirely world changing for me in this game -- it twisted my head around, just like my perspective of this game.
So basically 'Marked' enemies are enemies you've triggered the 'Marked' effect on, using either your grapple-hook, your push field, or your grenades; ignore the wrong names, I forgot them, as I am on meth & feda mine right now.
But you activate it like that, and thereafter if you kill them during their short 'Marked' state, they'll replenish your ammo for both your shotgun & rocket launcher by 1 ammo count, respectively. And you don't have to reload them, they're just instantly there. That's INSANE ! I love it, I adore it, I squeal & piss over it. That's downright beautiful -- what a wonderful system.
Such means that if you're playing good; by 'Marking' enemies commonly & weapon-switching, you won't ever even need to reload, nor keep track of your ammo counts. Wow. Shout-out to such unique enforcer, dude.

The maps are really well-made as well. I feel the 1st level's map are maybe a little too flat in retrospective. But The 2nd level's map are straight-up fantastic! I love how many unique ideas there's been thrown in there, with ideologies within the maps which I've never seen replicated truly akin in any other games. I adore how many platforms there typically are, and how many unique layers & heights there are to them. Many parts of the 2nd level's maps are so beautifully constructed as to push truly special game-play scenarios, with its more airborne drone enemies as well. All very cool!

The guns feel great as well, they have a lot of punch & kick in them. I love how devastating the rocket launcher is... for my corpses that is. That's just crazy!... ass... frog...
They all look & feel great in every way.
How the guns represent their unique weapon mods you've chosen to adapt to them are very cool; as that both looks cool & are very useful as a reminder.
Albeit I feel like sometimes my shotgun blasts -- specifically & exclusively -- just goes through enemies sometimes. I'm not sure if it's a glitch or what's up. Maybe I just need to call my dad & admit that I'm a no good gamer? Who knows?
It's just not something I feel I experience in many other games.

But over-all, such a banger.


As said previously above, I'm like rogue-lite hater #1. I've never been a fan of the formula, and I feel like like it's a lazy & safe formula typically adapted only to tack as much play-time unto games -- as to raise the play-time; with less work than making an actual 8-10 hour static campaign. You're welcome to argue with me in the comments. Cya!

But here... here I don't mind too much.
Compared to something like Hades; in its current state Deadlink is 1000% more enjoyable for me. That's mostly due to how it's not as grindy; as I've already unlocked most of the upgrades for my character within my first 4 hours, from maybe only ~8 runs. And as of now -- in 'Early Access' -- the campaign is very short, and very straightforward. I can appreciate that. There's only 2 levels to beat, and runs seem much faster & less RNG-focused. Cool!
So once you die (and you WILL die), it really won't be the same amount of hassle, at least not for me. And a majour part of that is also due to how great the combat itself is, it's not just 'good', it's not just 'great. It's 'fantastic'!
It's so darn brilliant, that I feel inclined to mostly overlook it, because what I love about the game heftily overshadows the parts I do not.

Cyberpunk, Cyberfunk

The world of Deadlink is beautiful & immensely gorgeous. There are a ton of scenic vistas, which feel almost like screenshot-bait to focus on in-between fights... and I accept it... because I adapt it. lol
It's so freaking awesome & amazing! Both of the levels so far are wonderfully constructed visually, and are very instantaneously distinctive. I was really thrown a curve-ball, cause I did not expect the 2nd level to be in a science lab of some sorts, not whatsoever. It's a really crazy twist -- yet it just works so well. It's a huge contrast to the former level, but it still works alongside it.

Deadlink's soundtrack is just straight-up... "wow." I'm shocked, I'm surprised.
The soundtrack for Deadlink truly blew me away with its score, and I'm simply amazed.
Ivory Tower Soundworks did such brilliant works on it all, and there's not a single bad song. All of them are true bonerjams & extraordinary headbangers! They're on-par with something like Cyberpunk 2077's in-game combat music as well -- which is insane!
My favourite one so far is definitely 'Hòmo Patent'<3
Great stuff, man. I'd utmost recommend everyone to check the soundtrack out!
I'm so glad Gruby Entertainment themselves upload their own tracks, instead of us having to rely on compressed sound-files extracted from the game files, lol. Yeah, b!tch.


Deadlink blew me away. I played the short-time demo & thought it was 'alright'. Then I bought it upon release... didn't really care... meh. 30 minutes later & I'm standing up, sweating, headbanging, and grinning from the sheer amount of pure joy I'm experiencing!

HUGE recommendations for all those interested! Even as a rogue-lite hater, this stands as a likely GOTY candidate for me.
I can't wait to see what's next for this game!

Enmity 2

I'm so sick of looting useless junk, and graphics that makes my eyes bleed.

The game-play is so pale & mindless. There are multiple times I've been on the verge of tears by the sheer amount of boredom I've had to endure...
I hate grinding in my games, I'd rather sh!t down my own neck than play other AAA looter-shooter at this point.
Already at my 4 hour mark I'm so exhausted & tired by "To beat this 'grind area' you need to obtain guns & gear -- that's exactly like yours, just a different colour & higher stats -- which you get through grinding, which you can only reach by grinding." video-game tropes. I just want to claw my eyes out.
And once you become untouchable through your obtained hefty items & stats; you're even further unable to touch any probable fun you otherwise MAYBE could've had...


The graphics are truly unbearable, I feel like whenever I look at this game my eyes just hurts. I literally cannot watch game-play nor play myself for long, otherwise my eyes will get all sore or something. There are so many different flashing lights, unlike anything I've ever played. Everything in this game needs to project some sort of glare or lighten up for some sort of weird reason. It makes it hard to see anything, and to comprehend anything even more-so. It feels like I'm being flashbanged.
Commonly I have had to stand still and try to register whether or not what I'm looking at is an enemy or a lens-flare. It's hard to tell apart really, especially when both the enemies are the same colours & there's nothing to make some enemies stand out. Could they not find another shade of gray in every level & every enemy to tell them apart?


I beg everyone not to play this game -- not just because how boring & unbearable it is; but also because I'd hate for this sort of game-play ideologies being pushed by AAA companies in the future as well, as they learn by consumer neglect.

Eternal Glory

DOOM Eternal is just so freaking good! I adore it. No doubt my all-time favourite game ever.
The pacing is absolutely relentless, full-throttle aggression with non-stop action, it makes it feel like your blood has been replaced by urine.
I love it so much more than DOOM 4, and for that sake literally any other game ever.

Hatred swell with rage unquelled

In these gorgeous arenas you'll go through a gauntlet of thousands of demons.
It's like a horde of sinful meat that just comes after you. Starting off from the most pathetic & pitiful demons... transitioning into these gigantic monstrous beasts ready to slay. Where you'll grit your teeth and fail multiple times to kill, only until you finally triumph and get that incredible overcoming glory! You'll truly feel rip roaring like you're Mick Gordon on a 9-string!
But all the while you're getting your ass pounded & sodomized, it just doesn't hurt. It feels great because the maps are so well designed & refined; alongside the demons, weapons, movement & combat... all to just compliment the game-play, that it just always is fun to get in there -- yes even if you are getting your sh!t pushed back in aggressively.
And you will eventually get better to overcome & push through; regardless of your skill-level or difficulty, because you'll want to. Because it's such great fun.
But as you're going through heaven & hell, and worlds of purgatory; you burn with your unholy holy ascension. You cleanse the demons about as you're hell-raising, and full of sexiness. So sexy that it hurts...
You're their doom bringer, death ringer, and cataclysmic gunslinger.
Everything just comes together so smoothly, in such a nice of slick way. FPS games have never been crispier, and never as stoked.

However, while I just downright adore the general demon encounters; with hordes of demons in all these smart & uncomfortable ways to make you play smart yourself... I'm no super-fan of the humongous bosses.
I feel the game-design is clearly tended for combat mainly focused towards multiple enemies at once, so when they suddenly push in these huge bosses it feels weird so awkward to fight. I loved the Marauder, Gladiator & Maligog bosses; yet I wish the two latter ones somehow got down-scaled & simplified to fit the combat-loop as a "normal" enemy alike the Marauder.
Still, that is a hefty nitpick & only something noticed on like my 4th playthrough.

That headbanging music

From instant you play the main-campaign; you're greeted with the incredible soundtrack from Mick Gordon; you know you're in for a nutty high-octane thrill ride.
I just cannot compliment the soundtrack enough. Mick Gordon hecking annihilated this game with his musical skills -- the main-campaign just wouldn't be the same without Mick Gordon. The soundtrack just absolutely slaps.
The music is just a straight-up banger, real bonerjams, absolute bops all through-out.
My favourite from the main-campaign being "Meathook." Such sweet perfection.
A true love-letter to the entire music industry, with its Argent Metal style... UGH! It's just so freaking good, one just cannot compliment it rightfully enough. It might just be one of my all-time favourite soundtracks to a game ever, if not the best one! It's really up there.

Graphics & visuals

DOOM Eternal is such a beautiful game as well. Every area looks cool, you'll remember each mission distinctively by their unique styles & quirks. Every time I entered a new mission for my first time, I would stop up & go "holy sh!t, what is this place?"
Even when returning to previously visited areas, they still manage to look very personalized and unique. And even for how darn fabulous every mission looks, they are not distracting or confusing during combat. They're so fine-tuned to not strike out & visually overwhelm one as they're trying to rip & tear.

Also ID is working with magic by how smoothly and wonderfully the game runs & looks.
It's amazing by how well the performance this game is, I play on 'Nightmare' graphics-settings, the second highest one, with RTX on, and still manage to get around ~120FPS with my RTX 2060. Very cool!
The ID Tech 7 engine is one of the most performance & visually perfected engines ever -- straight-up!

Side-notes to the main-campaign

Everything were just fantastic, utterly stunning, and just borderline perfect.
Finding secrets were fun, going off the direct path to explore hidden secrets was fun.
And of course just massacring hordes of demons never got old. I just will never be able to express how much I enjoyed and will continue to enjoy the main-campaign, even hundreds of hours into the game and I'm still replaying it.

After beating the main-campaign you'll be eagerly wanting to replay it again, just for how great it is. However you also got the option to play through all these Master-Levels of specific levels within the game, which are basically harder versions of the normal levels, and many with a twist to the whole level's pacing.
But you also got 2 continuation DLCs, as sequels to the main-campaign, both which are absolute awesome. Both really really fantastic!.

Battlemode & Horde Mode

And then there is multiplayer AKA Battlemode...
Battlemode, the only multiplayer for this game; I don't think is bad. But it's not good either. It just feels "Meh." & forgettable.
I wish they stuck with that multiplayer arena shooter they had with DOOM 1, 2 & 4. That was great, and I enjoyed each of those a lot. Even with the fan-base outrage of DOOM 4's multiplayer I still loved it myself. Wish they had stuck with that throughout to DOOM Eternal as well. I wish there were a Slayers VS. Slayers game-mode, to take full advantage of the Slayer's movement abilities.
As the only occasion I ever play Battlemode is for the weekly challenges to the monthly events.
Battlemode basically consists of 1 Slayer VS. 2 Demons.
The first side to kill the entire opposite team will win, however there are multiple demons to choose from and the demons can respawn each other after some time if both are not dead.
You'll also get to choose some strategic & movement upgrades by each round, but that's really about it. It just feels mediocre. Which is sad, for I know the developers spent a ton of time on it. It all just feels like an aftermath, an afterthought. Even though I know it isn't.

I really adore Horde Mode though, such a fun & free expansion. I haven't been playing it as much as I would've wanted to, just because the immense time it takes to complete. However it's super freaking ballar-ass cool!
I love going through it every now & then.


DOOM Eternal not only ranks as my Game Of The Year 2020 choice, but even my lifetime favourite game ever!
It's just utter perfection oozing by every second. Utmost highly recommended to anyone seeking some game-play perfectionism! It'll spin your head around as if it was a twist-off.

Dim Souls 3

I want to preface with the fact that everybody I know has told me to play Dark Souls.
And while it's the kind of bold game I can really respect, it's also the kind which I can't truly enjoy due to personal tastes & preferences in games.
But with Dark Souls 3, you either LOVE it, or you HATE. There's no in-between opinions for this game series, and both are extremely vocal on their opinions on this game... and I won't be any exception to the role-model here.

Camera & target lock-on

I'm not a fan of the camera in this game.
It's okay to control when you're running around and exploring, but in combat I prefer a fixed-camera, largely due to how I hate having to change the camera position mid-combat while already being mauled by five different enemies; it's an extra layer of tediousness which I see as unnecessary. I just hate the idea of having to take my thumb off the face-buttons of my controller, as often there are times where I need to do both, so I end up having to perform this awkward position with my fingers constantly...
Changing the camera mid-battle is just a miserable experience. I'm grateful for the lock-on system, and the ease of switching targets in all direction, but the camera adjusting is still present and I don't like it. Plus sometimes lock-on can become more of a hinderance in specific situations anyway.

Difficulty alongside combat

Dark Souls 3 is a very hard game I just outright adore whenever games ask you to play them, instead of just ignoring all the game-play & mechanics.
If you even want to make it through the first level, you're gonna have to learn this game's parries, attacks, rolls & items.
If you even want to survive past that first big dude with that black oily gooey body, you're gonna need all the mechanics at your disposal. The heavy guy is a big first reality check, it enforces you into needing to pay attention and play the game right.
I respect Dark Souls 3 for that! I wish more games had the confidence in their design to follow such rule-sets.
But do I like it?: Not really.

I don't like parry and dodged-based melee combat games, mostly, they annoy me.
I'm not that great at them either, I suck, I'll admit that. But even when I did pull-off a really sweet series of attacks to finally take down the difficult enemy that had been slapping me around for ~30-or-so minutes: I didn't feel good about it. Which is a real bummer. I just shrugged my shoulders & moved on.
Even when I'm playing Dark Souls 3 the way it's supposed to be played I'm not having fun. And that's on me for my tastes in games.

Eventually I just began to run through each area avoiding all enemies, especially those which I had cleared previously. Which is a problem in a game that has such a big focus on its combat.
I tried my hardest to run through every combat encounter, occasionally successful, just to find the exit-point and save... Then enter the next area and do the same again...

And when I get to a boss fight, and of course died; I then get sent back to my last save-point. Which is fine in any other game, but because that save-point are often many rooms back. And now I have to fight through 5-or-so rooms just to get back where I was... so that I can get back to the boss I was fighting so that I can truly learn his attacks and beat him, and then die because I don't understand him yet. Then I'd have to run though those seven or so rooms beating all the enemies all-over again, and again, and again, and again, again, again, again, over, and over, and over, and over, and over, again, and again...

The world & visuals

The world of Dark Souls is beautiful. I often take a peek just to look out at the outskirts of the lands.
Although here I don't really feel any sense of directions when I'm playing.
Sometimes I'm running around like "Where was I going? Where am I? What was my goal again?"
In the menu-screens it's not like there's a objective to remind me or anything. And there's no map. And everything around me looks the same.
I ended up in this tower, and I couldn't figure out where to go or which direction to proceed... so I brought up a walk-through on YouTube, so to see if I overlooked an objective... But then I kept skimming through the entire walk-through, and I saw how every section looked and played the exact same. And I realised "Wow, I really don't wanna do any of that whatsoever."
So I just dropped it, because ultimately I didn't enjoy the game-play.


I've played Dark Souls 3 for about 10 hours, before I truly accepted that I wasn't having any fun in the slightest, and then let it go.

Here's the thing: If you simply don't enjoy how a game feels, or honestly haven't enjoyed a single moment of it whatsoever for hours, then you just gotta accept it and say "This game ain't not for me." Get the review out and let the game fade from me.

Diagnosis: Skill issue.