Strand is cool but at what cost.

Pretty good. Definitely more enjoyable than Shadowkeep and Beyond Light.

I’m a sucker for snowy maps ⛄️

All I feel is pain, thanks for that ending.

At first I was more of a fan of Kurt's story than of Harry's. Kurt's just felt a lot more emotional and I never really understood Harry's romantic pull towards Julia. Kurt fighting to get through to war to back home to his family and to find his son felt a lot more grave than Harry simply wanting to tap into the glory of war to impress some girl. Towards the end (like Part III), the bond between Kurt and Harry felt more worthwhile and I felt a lot more invested in the game. Definitely felt disappointed with the ending *I* got the first time, but I really love that they included multiple endings. The art/visual style was great, the soundtrack pretty nice, and the play style was a nice relief/change from other WWI & WWII games that are always third-person or first-person shooters.

Also, I loved playing as Lottie the cat <3

I love to go pow pow 👊🏽

Chris losing his men again :(

Honestly a masterpiece.

Only complaint is that on the Xbox Series S, there are a ton of issues with the auto-save, even for a game that's 7 years old. I had similar problems with Cyberpunk 2077 & Alan Wake 2, so I'm convinced it's something with the Series S itself. But it makes wanting to do speedrun replays nearly impossible until I upgrade to a better platform...

Still, five stars it is ❤️

I had fun in spite of the game being messy as hell.

I genuinely enjoyed this. The ending felt like it could've been a little stronger, but I'm not sure if I or someone else could offer a better alternate ending. Overall, the recurring themes had me really emotional, and I loved the story overall. The map they used for the forest was really well-made, better than some open world maps made by AAA games.

I also was really glad we go to adopt a turtle.

This game... it is good, yes. I love the lore. But I am not built for its gameplay.

Exemplaris Excommunicationis to me.

Great game. If there are others who haven't played beyond the original trilogy, I'd recommend it, even just to get to know the story/lore.

It’s a cute game!! Good for winding down when you’re stressed. But some parts of it still feel like it’s early access / underdeveloped and of course I do feel like this game is a lot less fun to play with its control mechanics on console versus on PC.

Also I love the environmental themes and the premise of the island's life. But I do think that we need to start evaluating whether every cozy life sim truly needs to be a farming sim. It’s starting to become an over-saturated game mode in the market.

Therapist: platinum blonde Jill Valentine isn’t real, she can’t hurt you.

Platinum blonde Jill Valentine: 👁️👁️