It gets boring, and doesn't take long for that to happen.
Survival mode is very annoying, feels like a bunch of boring tasks you keep having to complete just to keep playing. Also, why the fuck are phantoms like that? Combat is also so shitty, and you can't go anywhere without having to deal with it. And no, creative/pacifist mode isn't a solution, they're clearly a secondary thought in the game design sense.

If you play for character progression, it stagnates. It also devolves into wikia-excel-infinte farm strats if you want to lategame. I personally HATE that, but if that's your thing, go wild.

All with all that said... It's still minecraft. It's a creative outlet. And that's what's the most fun about it, the building! I will have fond memories of creating a whole fucking village for some squidward npcs that my friends enslaved in some sociopathic tryhard optimization-centric maneuver. Anything else in the game, honestly, I was kinda bored.

In short, making the game fun is up to you, and only you. Do try your best sweetie, because the game WILL try to prevent you from doing that. I'd rather do anything else, really.

Of course all I've said up to know doesn't mean shit to you if you enjoy the building and fucking around. That's hundreds of hours of fun right there. It's a good game I guess, but I'm a bitch.

It's weird, it's fucked, it's not as good as the genuinely great previous two games, and it doesn't even really end the damn story.

But I had a lot of fun! Because it's weird, and it's fucked. It's like one of those horror movies that are on the treshold of being bad but are still entertaining to watch. I welcome the strange plot ideas of this one. The smooth gameplay helps the questionable parts.

Do play this weird thing if you liked the previous two and want to see the story unfold a bit more (not end! Important distinction). Whether you like it or hate it, it's gonna be worth it. Life is made of experiences, isn't it? Since we're already wasting it on video games, might as well see this one. Just pirate it if you must ;p

It's a metroidvania. And it's good. Very pretty too.

Um, that's it. Download here:

I'm sure you all know this type of game. It's the co-op party game for shouting at each other and laughing out loud.

Thing is, this one didn't work for me, nor for anyone that I saw play. It's entertaining, for 30min or so... But no shouting, no laughing, overcooked this is not. Well, what's the point then? Maybe try playing it under the effect of drugs?

Fun, but the spotlight is certainly the boat, sea and the refreshing artstyle.

Ending stretch is not good and main island sidequests are a bit annoying, however i didn't feel the famous wind direction changing boredom because I had dolphin speed-up BABYYYY #yarr

Childhood game that I loved, but damn did I get bored this time. It takes too long to get to explore the mythology, and getting resources is soooo boriiiiing. Maybe there's some cool strategy here, but I couldn't be bothered. No regrets.


It's incredible, very attentive to detail, great artistic choices, very charming interpratation of the myths, good replayability. Yeah I know, real insightful words, but it's just real good, give it a try for sure.

There's something to be said (negatively) about the roguelike aspects, but who fucking cares, they deal with it so expertly, runs are still fun, it does not feel like a waste of time and they reward you with new voicelines and story - which is the ultimate gamer reward these days (read a book anyone? watch a movie maybe?)

By the way, Patroclus ily


fuck this for giving a bad name to indie titles. your gameplay should have been simple and engaging (it sometimes is), but it's repetitive and stupid. Really, it sucks. also your atmospheric cutscenes don't mean anything, its just a smokescreen trying to pass as an actual story or even meaningful commentary. fuck you for trying to sound artsy. signed, art hoe

No. Props for the vibes and spritework, but that's it. The drink mixing is just a pasttime, it's cute. The meat and bones on a game like this is the dialogue, the story. And sometimes it's pretty good, almost great. But most of it, it's what I can only describe as a waste of time. Nearly all characters are boring, without depth, nothing interesting going on.
And I'm not even sure that i "missed the point" of the game, by going with the possible argument that it's supposed to be simple, supposed to be cozy, but I personally disagree. They try to keep things fresh all the time, they got a flair for drama. But it doesn't work!

Shallow is the closest word I can find that can express my feelings towards the writing. Also, I got some prejudice about these waifu games. Shouldn't have listened to all the praise of the story. Also, the ost... not that good. Repetitive. Fuck this

It's okay, you can pass the time. But you have to be prepared for the roguelitest experience ever. You're going to have some runs just to accrue money, just to upgrade yourself, just to be able to beat those bosses. Don't really recommend the game.

Cute but I played the launch version that was sooo bugged. Didn't experience any of the updates, but apparently the game is way better nowadays (there was a QOL and grind reduction update, which were the points that needed attention). Can't really speak on it as it is now, it was okay but I never plan on returning to it.

Fun concept, and quick to finish but, paradoxically, SO GRINDY. You can play for free to pass the time. Honestly, had enough fun, worth it.

A PVE, tower defense game with completionist tendencies and a bit of grind that has co-op, frequent updates, many game modes, many ways to win and solid gameplay loop? It's great!

And as far as live service games go, we got some constant problems that, in my point of view, make them inferior to every other kind of game. Here though? They're pretty much nonexistant: no optimizing the fun out of it, no FOMO, no fortnite stores, no significant powercreep, no shitty updates that just pretend to have content to convince you to never stop playing, no daily limits, no relevant microtransactions.

Thank you monkey game, you're nothing extraordinary, but you're fun and honest. NEVER. STOP. JOPPING.

Holy shit. Sorry but even while loving strategy, 4X is definitely not for me. Had a dreadful experience.
Too many things to do, and ALL of them are boring.
But that's the thing with 4X, you have to try it once, maybe you'll love it. But sigh. I couldn't handle clicking things anymore, holy shiiit. And Mouse1 has got to be on my top5 computer buttons.

Are battle royales even designed for you to have fun? God.
Minigames are pretty hit or miss too. How hard is it to make a mario party-like game?