As the game has finally released in full, I can finally say it's a good one.

In short, gunplay is awesome, characters are varied and very fun, drops feel exciting even after 80 hours. Enemy variety and map desing is okay. Dying to one shots is bad. The grind needed to achieve endgame (or even skill tree functionality and character unlocks) is questionable.

That's basically it. I'm not a huge fps person, but this is undeniably fun to play! With friends, it gets much better as well.

It's clear the devs put a lot of care in this and were always very communicative, good job. Very smooth roguelike and definitely recommended.

Best enjoyed in short spurts, Captain Toad is an adorable puzzle game, with more content than I imagined too!

Nothing that will blow your socks off, but it's very charming and enjoyable. Does not sound fun to be a completionist in though, and the small 3ds screen kinda fucked with me a bit. Captain Toad is my new favorite mario character.

This has a way better setting than the first one, and a better soundtrack too. Especially liked Folsense.

But well, it's Layton. Simple and fun. The trunk minigames are more accessible this time which makes for a tighter experience, but with some hiccups still (oh tea set, what you could have been...) On puzzle quality, I can't really say? Felt somewhat the same.

Enjoyable. Feels very :) although it kinda burned me out a bit.

Great artstyle and very creative, it's a treat. The enemies' charisma will always make me smile. I don't like this kind of gameplay at all (like megaman, I hate it) but this still managed to grab me somehow and I'm still surprised!

It's certainly hard though, and the impression the difficulty made on me wobbled between frustrating/boring and very very fun. Don't know how to take that lol.

I know co-op makes it harder, but I still recommend it as it is way better than solo imo.

I don't think I will ever replay it though? It kinda made me suffer a bit, and not from the difficulty. I guess the gene that makes megaman taste like soap still lives on in my organism somewhat.

Very pretty, feels good to play and it just grabbed me somehow. Not as hard as its reputation (with the exception of some optional parts) , and losing to the bosses doesn't feel bad, so that's good. Love the setting (bugs!!!) and the varied areas. The lore is kinda there, its a look-it-up kinda story that I usually do not enjoy at all, but its inclusion doesn't feel annoying. What you get from playing through normally is interesting enough. Beware though: The game is pretty hands-off, so if you're not interesting in exploring for the sake of it and if you're not immediatly grabbed by the gameplay, you'll bounce right off and that's okay really. I was entranced from the first minute and the rest didn't disappoint.

If I had to complain about one thing, it would be the backtracking, especially if you want to see more of what the game has to offer. Gave up on it because I cba, so just finishing the game it is for me. A shame because it's so good that I wished I could keep playing.

This is just... so fun. Pretty much every second of it. Really a step up from the first one, and convinced me the creator's reputation isn't for nothing.

The craziness is strangely endearing and the character interactions make me feel things almost everytime, which is what I look for in books, and when that is present in games is just a nice plus! Also I like how accessible this is, not really hard and feels straightforward even for people not used to gaming.

Made me appreciate chapter 1 more, that I didn't enjoy as much, as this level of immersion that I felt wouldn't be possible without it (obviously) and everything it set up.

Oh and the OST is good, but you knew that already. And I was not spoiled about THAT character apparition, and it made me lose my fucking mind. Different ways of losing my mind is what I look for in fiction so thanks ç_ç

Very very disappointing. The conflict in general is badly developed and it's a goddamn shame because it is a pretty touchy subject that got me SO interested at first. Daniel and the player companions could be so much more, and I was not expecting much btw.

Well it is still fun, the new area is pretty and feels good to explore. There's a cool log type story about a dude that expands some lore and Joshua Graham is an interesting character as well. That's that though.

This was maybe a better experience than the main game for me (and that was great)

Maybe it's because I'm a survival horror noob, but this was so immersive. Love the setting and I ADORE the story. The main antagonist is one of my new favorite villains ever (obviously he was set up by the main game as well, and it keeps going in following DLCs) and the player companions are also so great, the sierra madre too...

The atmosphere was suffocating and it felt kinda puzzl-y, that I strangely didn't find too frustrating but I can see how people may have felt that. I personally loved it!

Would probably NOT replay it though. That was still a fucked experience. Best Fallout DLC.

This was a good conclusion to it all. Although there was a bit too much combat for my tastes (after 120h+ or so I started playing NV mostly as a story-exploration game) I enjoyed it. Linear, but still felt good to explore with enough environmental storytelling to make it interesting.

Ulysses though... That was peculiar. Strangely enough I loved to hear him rant, even though it was purposely confusing at the start. His philosophy is something else, weird, delusional and incredibly lucid at the same time. Enjoyed the ride, and what an interesting character as a product of fiction. The final choice is kinda bleh though. That didn't have to be in there at all, although I understand the cool-factor, even though it almost feels tonally incongruent. I can turn a blind eye to it, but it takes some willpower.

A nice DLC, with a pretty interesting story and setting. I ABHOR all the combat though, no reason for the enemies to have that much health and damage. Could get trough it just fine, but did not have fun.

The characters are curious, I like them even though there are a lot of bad humor moments. Some pretty good ones though. They are well placed in the story, and the lore present here is a great addition to the main game and its other DLCs. Good environmental storytelling as well, as you would expect at this point. Some of the commentary here is also great.

Bogged down by some unfun and some unfunny moments, it's still pretty nice.

What to say about this... So good.

A hands-off detective game that made me wish there were more like it. I was in awe the whole way through. The logic needed is something else, I haven't seen anything like it in games.

Music and graphics are so good, appealed to me directly. Just like the historical elements and setting.

Only complaint was one scene that almost feels like a deus ex once you understand it, but it's still one of my new favorite games ever. Recommended: play with a friend/SO for extra fun.

A cool change in gameplay for the franchise, and playing as edgeworth is nice, but it sadly feels like the weakest entry yet.

Maybe it's just the bad cases, actually. Case 1 and 5 were... eeeeeeeeeech. The rest were just okay I guess. Case 2 was best. Kay and Lang are AWESOME additions though. Been a while since they got it so right with new characters.

Some joyful moments make this a 3.5 instead of a 3, but only barely. Recommended only if you're already a fan, and plan on playing the next one, that has a huge reputation.

After you get used to the unconventional controls, it feels great to play, although I still hate the boss fights. The world and atmosphere in this is awesome and I love exploring, scanning things, learning about stuff, getting freaked out by the space pirates, it's good.

It was a hard game, half of the time frustration only, but the other half felt great to overcome (final boss ate me up). Backtracking strangely did not bug me, it was fun in its own way, better than some metroidvanias out there that make it insufferable. Although, you will need a guide to get a high completion % in this, and maybe even to finish it if you aren't very good (I almost needed it!)

As my first metroid experience ever, I'm satisfied. Recommended if you take a look at this and get interested, you will have a good time.

Love this very much. Combat is satisfyingly deep, exploring is good. The sidequests are plentiful, non-missable, rewarding and almost all of them are pretty unique and fun.

The world is full of charm and I love all of the bugs here. Cooking is very fun, the characters are entertaining... I loved this, a bundle of joy.

The way the game handles difficulty is very refreshing (it's an equippable badge, btw badges are great here too), and its QOL features are good as well. It's like they thought of everything, and this is how I believe modern games should be. Nothing missable ever, player convenience is always the first thought in a way that the difficulty isn't compromised. There's even a way of making money a non-factor, which works great for endgame while removing part of the grind, and is also a good option to do early if you want a less stressful ride (It is a satisfying challenge with hard mode on).

As someone who never played a Paper Mario game (sticker star sucks and doesn't count) I loved this a lot and recommend it if you get interested by the premise/gameplay. A great, charming, refreshing and quite deep RPG adventure.

Repetitive, but it's a house flipping sim, what did you expect? A game that fulfills its purpose, and nothing more. Without DLCs, it's barebones, and there are so many of them. Feels kinda bad.
Also, surprisingly scary, what the fuck was up with that?