We are so fucking back. Fushimi Tsukasa is a hero

A really well designed, beautifully presented and unique-feeling game, which is all I could ask for.

There's a lot of customization you can do with the units which can feel overwhelming but seeing your hard work pay off is extremely satisfying.

The story is a fairly typical SRPG fantasy tale, but the presentation makes it feel really good to witness. The fully 2D world is a pleasure to look at, the Japanese voice acting resonates deeply, and the soundtrack is spectacular and moving.

Quite a different take on Pacman from the first Championship Edition, in a positive way. It's challenging and fun.

I got this incredible flow state from it. Pacman is a very simple game but this shows you can really add a lot to it in a meaningful way.

Beautiful artwork, unique gameplay with an interesting learning curve and a compelling story. There's nothing quite like it.

A really wonderful story with a lovable cast and an interesting high-concept worldview. The gameplay isn't stellar but it's good enough to not be a burden and it builds on what Crystar did in really fascinating ways.

90% of gamblers give up just before making it big.
It's a good simulation of pachinko with bright, hypnotic graphics that are on an insane level for a super famicom game. The designs for the games and the female attendants are really great.

I always liked the idea of Dragon Quest 3 (at least, on the SFC) opening with a bit of a personality quiz in the form of a game. This has a similar idea to it.

Very charming and cute. It's more or less what you'd expect from the concept - an open world spin on Boku no Natsuyasumi. There's lots to do in it and it feels great to just roam around. Plenty of interesting and cute character interactions and lovely music and presentation.

My biggest problem is that the switch doesn't run the game very well and it's often noticable. The draw distance isn't great and the framerate drops in certain areas. Worth a try though, and the language is quite simple if you want to use it for practice.

The gameplay is quite unique. You can't directly move Mion, but instead guide her motions as a firefly. This was clearly designed for the ps vita touch screens but it translates pretty well to mouse controls.

The story is quite touching and the overall presentation is very beautiful. It's best to experience that without giving too much away about it; it's quite impressive how it unfolds without any dialogue. There are some interesting and well thought out puzzles as well. The world feels well realized.

My two complaints are that some puzzles require more precision than could be reasonably expected from the control scheme and that two areas have falling obstacles that are semi-random and will kill you with little warning.

Best way to play the original Rayforce. Good quality of life features and runs flawlessly.

A unique and wonderful experience. The game has a sad, yet ultimately cathartic, feeling to it. There's great care in fleshing out the cast, the scenario is unique and there's some heavy themes it deals with in an amazing way. I'd say more but it's best to experience that firsthand. A wonderful score by Sakuzyo and an amazing script by Naoki Hisaya, along with beautiful designs by Riuichi and ntny are the main appeals of this game. It also features a wonderful cast of Japanese seiyuu (don't play this game dubbed, or else).

The game has two major flaws - dungeon design and enemy responsiveness/variety. Both reveal its nature as a rather low budget game, but they shouldn't prove to be a hindrance, as long as you have the perseverance to push through.

The gameplay is quite awful even once you get it but you get a fun episode of Eva out of it. They put your name in the ED too.

Really nice. Beautiful dragon designs that are animated really well, and I enjoyed the atmosphere of the main "arcade" mode. The first run is quite easy but the postgame offers more of a challenge.