Really nice. Beautiful dragon designs that are animated really well, and I enjoyed the atmosphere of the main "arcade" mode. The first run is quite easy but the postgame offers more of a challenge.

We need to keep the spirit of the PS Vita alive.

Great visuals and mood with a very unique, odd worldview. You'll have to think outside the box to solve the ADV logic puzzles as there is no guide out there to help you.

Easily an all-time favourite. The story and cast is phenomenal, and it speaks to me on a level that few other things ever have. The game itself is a significant improvement over the original as well, the battle system has been polished quite well and everything looks and feels much better.

The final stretch is infuriating but mostly a great and interesting game.
Also you just know.

Only thing I didn't like about this game is the seiyuu for Vanessa gave an absolutely awful performance which stood out against Nobeta's really great voice.

Really tight controls and great gameplay, especially for a Famicom title. Has some frustrating elements but it feels great to move and attack and the visuals and music are great.

Really good. Simple but addictive gameplay loop, great effects and music.

Multiple game-breaking bugs that will destroy your save or get you stuck. Don't play this version. It's a shame since the gameplay converts well from PS1 to handheld otherwise.

It's fun. The core gimmick is well designed and it doesn't overstay its welcome. Really beautiful game to look at too, the characters are very animated and lively.

Probably the most aesthetically pleasing lightgun game I've ever played. Great tone and atmosphere.

It's keeping me busy until the Digimon game client comes out.