This has remained the worst game I have ever played in my entire life.

Constant glitches clipping me through the floor forcing me to restart levels that weren't fun to go through, and that's for the Sonic and Shadow stages. The Tails and Eggman stages were boring and the Knuckles and Rouge stages should not be in the game.

I got this game for Christmas, and I was incredibly dissapointed.

Beat 2 of the 4 initial bosses before I stopped playing the game. Exploring in the game was just not very fun for me.

My first real visual novel, and one of my favorite stories I've ever experienced. I feel like every aspect of the game perfectly compliment each other to deliver an amazing experience. The first half of is basically perfect in terms of my enjoyment. However, after you are given the first choice, it feels like the story slowly dips in quality. In the the end it's still a fantastic experience and I wouldn't change any of the endings even if I was given the choice, but it's definitely not perfect.

A really fun 3D platformer, a genre that I have barely even touched. The exploration gameplay is greatly complimented by it's slightly eerie athmosphere.

Fairly fun mech game. However I was not impressed with the customization options offered to me, especially if I wanted to use anything other than a bipedal design.

Pretty decent metroidvainia. The atmosphere is way better than it has any right to be, which greatly improved the exploration part of the game; not knowing what could be waiting for you just out of visible range. However, in hindsight, the map itself was not that interesting. Bonus point for multiple katana weapons


Below average souls-like. Played this co-op with a friend, and while we enjoyed our time for the most part, it was definitely a forgettable experience with nothing that interesting to talk about in retrospect.

Pretty good speedrunning-style game. Does one thing and does it well. Not too interested in replaying levels for higher scores though.

My ideal souls-like game. I loved exploring the world and changing my builds every 20-30 hours whenever I found something cool. I dread having to replay this game because of it's sheer size.

Fantastic JRPG and sequel to the original TWEWY. If this is the end for the series, I think it ended on a strong note. My only issue is that the last 1/3 makes the game drag on longer then it should.

Widely considered to be the black sheep of the series, when it comes to mainline games, I actually enjoyed my time with the game quite a lot. It took a couple of hours for the gameplay to click with me, but when id did, I had a blast going through and finishing it.

Almost great.
It has some of the best movement I have felt in any game, but I don't think any of the stages presented take full advantage of it.

Not very interesting.
The gameplay was serviceable, but not very fun, and the story is quite forgettable. Would almost consider this a waste of time.