A new game system that feels fluid and dynamic. Big Boss' awakening in 1984 coincides with a tonal shift towards the introspective, and this story of revenge begins in fire.

There's a horror in creating, a sense of dread I get. It's the fear that someone might experience the things I've written and come out with a false impression of me.

I probably played this four years ago, but thinking about it is making me tear up.

Anyone playing Baldur's Gate 3 will find themselves swimming in well-written interwoven narratives. Please take the time to talk to everything you can. The combat system is clean, clear, and satisfying! It's a slightly-modified version of Dungeons and Dragons 5e, and unlike a more traditional roguelike is turn-based.

I enjoyed my time with this game, but I keep finding myself wanting to put it down and play something else. So I'm going to set it aside and let it sit.

I enjoyed my time with this game, but I found myself taking longer and longer breaks from it. Everything about the world exudes charm, as you would expect from Dragon Quest.

A great Platinum action game with a focus on relentless offense. Paired with Metal Gear writing and this game shines.

This shit does not work lmao.

I had fun with this game, but ended up dropping it

This game is a mess. It doesn't always work. And I love that for it.

Over and over and over again I find myself drawn back to the desert. There's something special about this game, and the fact that it was mostly developed by one person has something to do with that.
Do not expect a straightforward story. This is a cough sandbox.

Runs on the same buggy-ass engine as Yakuza 3, and due to there being 4 protagonists I didn't feel like I got any time with them. The final cutscene was cool I guess?

This game was rough, and I didn't have the patience to complete it. I ended up watching a story compilation.

The use of the updated dragon engine is cool, but HONESTLY honestly I do not remember much of this game.

My rating for this is lower than Zero for purely emotional reasons, the story did not hit as hard for me. I actually think I enjoyed the gameplay more!

I had a blast, and I spent an inordinate amount of time playing Majima's club management game.