One of my most anticipated games of the year, and im sad to say it let me down a little bit.

I am glad to say tho that the gameplay is a huge improvement over Fallen Order, they took the best parts of that game and just upgraded them to inject into this title. Its a shame everything else doesnt live up.

The story is considerably weaker, it has some cool moments, like the whole section on Jedha, but for the most part its very by the book and doesnt strive to offer anything new. The exploration is also a downgrade, they tried to go for The Last of Us Part 2's open world system, but it didnt really work, having you go off and wanting to explore can take you away from the story for a long time, so the pacing feels off depending on how you play. But, also in that exploration, is huge sections that are blocked off due to the player not advancing in the story enough to access certain parts, it feels like a chore to explore anywhere, and having just randomly placed enemies in there can feel counter-productive when they keep getting in your way just to kill you.

The "hub" section of the game is made to make you keep coming back and tending to your bar, or your garden, but in the end it doesnt assist you with anything in the game.

There were a few surprises, and some great performances from the cast, but there are are just some glaring issues with the plot that cant be overlooked

i never played the original game, but after all of the hype it received, I was very excited to jump into this remake.

It has some strong chapters, and the game just flows nicely. Leon is a strong protagonist with fantastic voice acting behind him. Ashley as the second protagonist is also ok, she has her moments to shine but sometimes she gets in the way. The upgrading system was great, I thought it was very fair and didnt feel too tasking to get everything you needed. I also felt like the game wasnt too punishing, it could be difficult at times but you could push through with some effort.

Boss fights were great, it followed a similar mechanic to the first 2 remakes, in terms of the giant character that follows you around, however it didnt feel constant like Mr X, or even for a few sections like Nemesis, so he never really felt like a threat to me.

As you get towards the end, the gameplay starts to feel samey, theres no massive change in location like the first 2 remakes, and you are essentially retreading old ground (i did like the open world aspect to this game). The story also starts to falter, becoming a constant rescue mission over and over again, but included in that is 2 amazing bossfights.

A solid game, and one of my favourites of the year so far

what starts off as an intriguing psychological horror game, goes into a confusing mindfuck that is still interesting, but has elements of the supernatural that took away its scare factor.

The game could be scary at times, but it was quickly replaced by annoyance at how janky the gameplay can be. This is not an easy game, and about halfway through I did make the decision to lower the difficulty to Casual, as i wanted to finish out this story without bashing my head against a wall, but it was still a challenge, this game will punish you sometimes.

It can be a fun time, and the places it goes are entertaining to play through, it can just feel a little long at times, and once the scare factor wears off, you realise you are just playing a difficult resident evil game

an improvement over the first game, It starts off very strong, the story is interesting and it jumps right into action packed gameplay, utilising its already established mechanics greatly.

It does steer off in its second half, I preferred having Lucas as your companion as every single time Hugo was involved he just whined and cried about something, I understand his character was going through horrible things for a child, but his voice just got on my nerves after a while, pair that with him making stupid decisions and Amacia STILL obsesses over him, it just got annoying.

The second half of this game is mainly walking around, theres a whole section where you walk and walk for ages, not sure if it was to pad out game time but it was something that couldve been shown in a cutscene.

I also thought its ending was strange, after having a few chapters of just absolute misery and hopelessness, the game just sort of wraps things up very quickly, it feels a little thrown together, i never really thought about it much as it ended, i moved on pretty quickly

it runs better at launch than the original game did, but it didnt really improve on the gameplay at all. I looked over the original bugs and glitches with the original game, and had a huge problem with how bland and stale the gameplay was, pair that with it not being scary at all.

This one is no different, it has elements of ok mechanics but it just beats them to death, you spend the whole game doing the same thing in a constant cycle, it just becomes repetitive.

In terms of the story, (i dont fully understand fnaf lore so idk what it adds to that), i think this dlc was made to show off the broken animatronic models. The death animations were cool. I did get a genuine surprise at how they ended it, but the rest of it just felt wasted, i feel like they couldve improved a lot of this dlc, and used some new gameplay mechanics to their full potential.

Hopefully there is another dlc to wrap up the loose ends from this story, what was the mask for? who was the glitchy blue guy?