in a world where we have dead by daylight and Friday the 13th, I worried that this would be a lacklustre version to cash in on the craze. But this is genuinely well made.

I enjoy the gameplay much more than Friday the 13th, the servers actually work great and my lobbies always seem to be full, even over a week after its release. The game is also quick and easy, you can get a match done in 10 minutes or spend a good 20-25 minutes depending on how good the other players are.

The gameplay is pretty simple and you do get used to it quickly, I do personally feel that playing a victim is a much more enjoyable experience, quite often playing as the family meant me just running round the same areas while I saw “___ has escaped” as the maps are much more difficult to navigate when you aren’t a victim.

But the game is fun, and you can get blindsided by the killers really quickly, resulting in a mad dash and panic as you try to outrun them, it really gets the adrenaline pumping. And I’m glad there’s different areas to break out of, instead of just doing generators in one location, it breaks matches up a little bit.

I can see this getting repetitive, but for now I’m having a good time

after being such a big fan of saints row 3 and 4, I was excited for some new life into the franchise, but this lifeless reboot offers nothing that you can’t get out of those previous titles

It’s like they tried to appeal to a younger audience, removing the elements of the game that made it ridiculous and funny. The opening was very Saints Row, but after that it felt like a watered down GTA. The story is forgettable also, nothing really stands out and each mission is basically the same. The characters aren’t all that memorable either, they were going for a watch dogs “family” vibe but they didn’t have any players like Wrench (from Watch Dogs 2) that would stand out.

I didn’t mind the cartoony graphics and how different it is, but I can see why it would be a turn off for some people. It’s always funny when I see videos of people showing how you can’t do certain things in this game which you were able to do in the previous instalments, it’s really strange that you’d decide to just.. take that out? Same thing happened between Ghost Recon Wildlands and Ghost Recon Breakpoint, when will some developers realise that we don’t want to see great content get removed to promote something that is lacking?

My character was extremely hot tho, but that’s more coz of my design

One of the best sequels I’ve ever played in my life. What a marvellous journey from start to end.

The story and writing are the best parts here, sucking you into a well-developed world with greatly established characters, improving on gameplay elements from the “first” game.

This game is long, and for the most part that’s great as you get time you really explore and take in the entire experience without feeling rushed to completion, but there are some unnecessary sections that slow the game down entirely, the entire Atreus section around the half-way mark is just so slow and dull, and it takes a good few hours to get through.

But this is a great sequel that really brings one of the best story’s told in modern gaming. Odin and Thor are great villains that really feel like a match to Kratos. And the father and son dynamic is played with in such an interesting way, providing such great performances from their actors, I will never forget that booming yell from Christopher Judge.

The game only falters with its ending, the initial set up is great, and a key plot point genuinely had me on the floor, but once we get to the final stretch, the game feels rushed, I just wish we spent more time in what the game was building up, there was a lot of opportunity to provide such cool moments, that were missed due to just a constant cycle of running and fighting a wave of enemies

But by the time the credits were rolling I had tears down my face, this journey was a magical one and one I will never forget, and I hope the next game (if they make one) lives up to this incredible standard

Just a lot of fun, more stuff to do than in the first game and some of the scenarios are so ridiculous that you can’t help being entertained. Loved the references to other media splashed into the game too

Oh wow. Now this was a surprise

A fun 3D platformer that feels like some of the 3D mario games or crash bandicoot. While some levels can be unnecessarily aggravating, some are great. The music levels are such a cool idea and they were used very effectively here.

I’m also glad it’s not too much of a grind to progress onto the next areas, it takes a little time but it’s no Riddler trophy collection. The story is fine, similar to Crash Bandicoot but with its own LittleBigPlanet twist, I’d happily play another game like this one

Had to stop playing due to its small amount of time on Ps Plus Extra

What I did play was really fun, it seemed to be easier than the first 2 games. It takes more of a Mass Effect/Star Trek approach to its story, and I’m not sure if it entirely works in this universe, but the villains are ok enough, and I enjoyed the other character interactions. Just got to a point where it was becoming rinse and repeat like the other 2 games. I liked the integration from the telltale game tho, even if I wish Troy Baker came back to his role

Better combat system, this one felt much more fun compared to stick of truth. And while the story was really fun and hilarious, i think I preferred the previous games story

Sad to see the next game is a 3D battle royale, was kinda hoping it would be another one of these

wasn’t a fan of the gameplay, story didn’t grip me, the extremely long cutscenes didn’t contain anything interesting to me, so I checked out early on

it had a lot of potential, started off like it was gonna be a 3D anime, but then it sunk into repetitive missions and just a boring and unmemorable plot.

The game wasn’t particularly hard till the end either, most of the time it was getting swarmed for no reason and getting stuck that ended up with a death.

I played with English subtitles, which meant I probably wasn’t paying as much attention as I probably should coz I get distracted easily, but it also didn’t help that the plot didn’t seem to be advancing, even going from chapter to chapter, it was very rinse and repeat

Not sure what I expected but by the end I was hoping for more

an incredible sequel that improves on almost everything from the first game.

The combat is so much better here, this is what I wished they could implement into the first with this remaster, a smoother combat experience just makes the whole game much more enjoyable

The story was also great, expanding this world even further, with some new characters added to the roster. I also liked the ability to do missions for those characters, I felt so much more connected to my crew by the end.

Idk how to avoid certain aspects of the ending, but I’m surprised it went there, it’s a bold choice for a game like this and it honestly worked, I was devastated

The biggest complaint for me was the transferring of my Shepard, I imported him from my save in the first game and they butchered his face, I wish there was an option to go in and customise, as I had to spend the entire game with basically no eyebrows, after they were extremely dark in the first game, it just took me out of the experience whenever it zoomed in on his face

a great first entry to the series, being able to play this trilogy through the Legendary Edition bundle is so great.

Sets up the world and its lore quite well, as soon as the game started I got drawn into the characters dialogue, which is when I knew I’d be in for a good time. A great story that just gets to the point, with a great cast of characters that are all unique and special in their own ways

My issues with the game is the combat, it doesn’t hold up and can be very difficult to navigate, especially when it doesn’t really tell you what to do, but even by the end I was struggling to work it. The story also relies on making choices here and there, sometimes between characters lives, which can feel nullified if you haven’t really spent the majority of the game with a character, I wish they forced those characters into your game somehow, as how were you supposed to know to choose them to go on missions with?

visually, this game is amazing, you could tell me this is a Disney movie and I’d fully believe you. Unfortunately there’s more to be desired in the other departments

The gameplay isn’t bad, but it takes some getting used to, it’s like they’ve tried to attempt Souls combat but it can be a little janky at times (getting stuck in animations, block button not working properly etc.) it can make the experience a lot less pleasant than the game intends with its happy vibe.

The story is also just ok, it’s nothing to get excited over but it holds up, I’d say the story is the worst part about this game tho.

Don’t be fooled thinking this is a game for little kids, it can be quite difficult at times

it’s a good game, a major improvement over New Dawn, but doesn’t quite reach the highs of Far Cry 5 for me.

I can see it was going for a Far Cry 3 approach with its level design, but I honestly thought they nailed it so much in 5, that game was structured so well. In comparison, this one felt a little all over the place

Having Giancarlo as a villain is a great choice, I just wish he was used more effectively, I understand not wanting to feel like Gus Fring but he just felt way less threatening here than any other role I’ve seen him in.

In terms of gameplay, it was fun, I had a good time just clearing checkpoints and blowing shit up. The main character is also ok, but nothing really special or interesting.

As a whole, it’s slightly above average, it doesn’t really do anything new, but what it does do, it does it well

a game I was really looking forward to last year, what looked to be a scary dead space-like shooter, with great atmosphere and a cool story.. turned out to be none of that

The entire game is very forgettable, a not-so-interesting plot mixed with repetitive game mechanics leaves this game feeling uninspired. They had some great cast members here, but they werent really utilised to what they could’ve been.

Boss fights weren’t all that interesting, and sometimes they would be repeated. I didn’t care for the characters or what was happening in the story, it started off somewhat scary but that died down really quick. There’s nothing here that Dead Space hasn’t done better, which is a huge shame

When i started this game, I was so blinded by nostalgia and my childhood love for harry potter that I was just sucked in and loved playing it. Unfortunately once that wears off, it becomes quite stale.

I know a few people who havent even bothered to finish the main questline, and it took me longer than anticipated as I started to spend less time on the game. I do think this game wouldve worked better if it was a much more immersive school simulator, kind of like Rockstar's Bully, even just having an honour system wouldve been a cool addition, for your own path as a witch or wizard. Instead it leads you to believe that its gonna be a "choose your own way" RPG with its multiple dialogue options, when it just isnt that at all..

The plot is ok, but the characters relationship questlines end up being more interesting, another reason why I wanted a Bully-like game, is due to having finished these questlines, these characters walk by you in the halls like theyve never seen you before, i just wanted some more interaction.

The gameplay is fun and choosing how you play with the spells is enough variety. By the end it can become a little stale tho. The game also waits a while you give you access to broomstick flight, and then a few more hours go by until you unlock a hippogriff, two things that do the exact same thing gameplay-wise. And then the last creature... i dont even know what that was put in for as it was no use to me.

Its ok, it can just get a little boring, and with it being a highly anticipated game for me, i was a little let down