And we come to the end of Cyberpunk once again

I must admit I had more fun this time, phantom liberty feels like a necessary inclusion to this story, everything just felt better gameplay wise and the characters were much more interesting, I still have problems with the game itself but I do think this new overhaul with update 2.0 has improved some of my issues, tho it’s still not the game I wish it could’ve been

I played through the new ending of the game entirely, which features that 3rd person cutscene, no idea what they did to my V coz he didn’t look like that at all throughout the game, so that was a little annoying, but in terms of how that story ended.. it was ok, nothing special and probably not worth the trouble you have to go through to get it

I haven’t played a Silent Hill game before, but have seen the marvel that is P.T and snippets of the old games

This was.. not good, it deals with quite a triggering topic, which is fine, but it almost just relies on telling that rather than actually being scary

There’s clear P.T influence, proving that they can’t think of new scares themselves. The gameplay was just a boring loop of running away from the same enemy over and over again and then reading documents to understand what was going on.

The main character was extremely annoying and just unlikeable, which isn’t what you should strive for, especially in context of what the game covers, we should feel sorry for this character, but you just don’t

By the time it was over I felt nothing, I know it’s a short demo and it’s not meant to be anything spectacular, but it just doesn’t fill me with faith that anything Konami are doing regarding horror like Silent Hill will be done to the level it should be. This was just pretty bland overall

There’s a lot to think about here..

I guess as the credits roll, I’ve gotta say, I’m a little disappointed. Theres elements of a great game here, and it shines for a lot of it, but there’s also quite a bit wrong with it too

Firstly, the gameplay is massively improved over the first game, in an unbelievable way, I feel like the old playstyle doesn’t work as well anymore and will feel slow and clunky in comparison, I really enjoyed my time with the gameplay aspects

Why the game falters is its story, it’s too bloated and too rushed to completion. A big thing about the first game was the emotional weight tied to its ending, something that can’t be said here. With the introduction of 2 spider-men and having them both be playable, it means the story has to accommodate both, and this leaves Miles cast out for the majority of the 3rd act, until he magically comes to save the day. Storylines set up like Miles’ essay or the hatred for Mr Negative weren’t expanded on as much as they could’ve been, and it just leaves that part feeling empty.

The majority of the game takes place with Kraven, but the choices they make with old villains to try and make him more threatening just.. doesn’t work. Also the focus is shifted from Kraven way too quickly once Venom comes into the picture

I did appreciate the switch up in gameplay styles with the symbiote suit, and constantly upgrading with Miles. But it’s not something that constantly keeps the game feeling fresh.

The ending itself was rushed too, it felt very thrown together. I think I just expected more from it, like Venom should’ve had a man-bat sequence or been anywhere in the city and hunting you down, it lacked those cool areas

Better than the main game, this is what the whole game should’ve been (except add some depth and stretch the story out)

The reason why I think this should’ve been the 3rd game is coz it links the first 2 together, it could’ve been a huge climactic moment for the series but Ubisoft was so busy with its “look at this amazing game where you can play as anyone in the world” that they just forgot about what works about watch dogs

This was really fun, just too short, I enjoyed the dynamic between Wrench and Aidan, and I love Wrench as a character so I was just glad to see him back. Gameplay wise it’s not much, it’s basically the same as it always is, less hacking tho which is strange. But both characters are fun to play as, and while the story is short I did enjoy my time with it

Played this so I can experience Alan Wake 2, and because it’s always recommended to me

I didn’t like it as much as I thought, there’s a lot here that doesn’t work for me. With this being a remaster, im disappointed that the gameplay itself seems to be so outdated still, the difficulty of this game is fighting with the controls. There’s many parts of this game which were easy enough to get through, but the gameplay itself was holding it back.. there’s a lot of moments where im hitting buttons and the character isn’t responding, it can just lead to certain sections of the game feeling tedious, especially when the checkpoint can be so far back. Then there’s the case where some checkpoints are so close to each other that they become unnecessary

Story-wise, it’s ok, it’s nothing special for me, it’s a cool idea but I couldn’t appreciate it more coz I was getting so frustrated with the game itself, but I did enjoy it as much as I could. The gameplay (without the control issues) was fun for a little bit, but for me it got old.. a lot of the game is just repeating the same actions over and over again, facing waves of enemies as you keep walking somewhere, it’s kinda weird that people don’t give this the “walking simulator” energy that Death Stranding had (and I enjoyed Death Stranding), coz even tho you have the combat moments much more present, this is just Alan walking to different locations all over the place, there’s no variety in location either, it’s all just woodlands

Overall I enjoyed it as much as I could, but I don’t think it’s one I would ever replay. Excited to start Alan Wake 2 at some point, heard fantastic things.

Also using a Bowie song as the end credits song was a great choice

A fun DLC that lets you run around in the shoes of Ada Wong, but that’s about it

As much as I loved diving back into this game, this kinda felt unnecessary, it’s cool to follow Ada’s part of the story and see what she was up to as we were playing as Leon, but it honestly doesn’t offer any new

The gameplay is mostly the same, aside from the grapple hook stuff, I wish Ada was a bit more acrobatic in her gameplay style, offer a new experience while playing, especially since it’s shown so much in cutscenes. The closest you get to any sort of acrobatic movement is near the end, and even then you click 1 button and she does it for you.

I wasn’t expecting much from a story standpoint, it develops what happens to her in the end of the original game quite well, but again.. it’s not really new information, I put the pieces together myself back in the main game.

Still, as a DLC it’s very fun and gives you an excuse to hop back in, and it’s not too bad on length either, it took me the same time to beat this as it did the Resi 3 remake, so it’s worth the low price I’d say

unfinished due to no longer having access to the game currently, will get back to it at Christmas hopefully

I was excited for Starfield, the showcase at gamescom was great and I was ready to jump into this expanding world. What looked to be Bethesdas most ambitious game yet.. and I’m not really feeling that so far, the selling point of thousands of planets to explore isn’t utilised properly, there’s no need for that huge scale, and you have to keep fast travelling to areas on the planets anyway to get around. It does just feel like an upgraded Skyrim or Fallout, but it’s in no way anything like they were making it out to be.

Something that’s both a positive and a negative about this game would be the amount of missions and activities to actually do. This game will throw 5 different missions at you at once for stepping foot onto a planet, then another 5 as you are walking through the planet, there seems to never be a moment where you aren’t doing something. Which is great, as it means you can just play and play, but it’s also a negative for me, as someone that likes to complete side missions before jumping into the main story, I feel like I haven’t cracked a single surface of the main story yet, I’ve been too busy doing 3 different things for people, including being a spy, disrupting conference meetings and defusing hostage situations, all the missions start to bleed into each other; and I completely forget where I am.

Combat is fun but if you aren’t prepared it can be challenging, I do hate how it doesn’t specify what level you should be to go forward, I did a mission that had me fighting level 5 creatures at level 12, but then throwing a final boss that is level 19 at me, the game can feel unbalanced sometimes.

I’m not gonna miss the time I’m spending away from this game, I was never really hooked into it anyway, it’s more a game to jump into to pass the time and do a few missions. Maybe my opinion changes when I pick it back up again, depending on what other adventure I stumble upon

After hearing so many good things about this game I decided I finally had to check it out for myself, I had no idea what it was about apart from a few characters and some of the soundtrack, so this was completely fresh for me going in

I enjoyed it for the most part. Gameplay was simple, the characters were great, and the music really carried so much of this game. The story was ok, it just left me not knowing what to do half the time, the game doesn’t really guide you that much unless you are in combat, so I was basically wandering around aimlessly until I stumbled upon the next part of the story.

But I had fun, and while the combat could be difficult at times, I felt that it wasn’t too difficult, I know I can take other routes where it will be more challenging, but I’m happy with the difficulty here, it was a challenge but it wasn’t impossible. The music tho.. such a great job. Glad I finally checked it out, I can see why people are so hyped about it, even if I don’t fully feel all of that hype myself

It’s ok for what it is. I was a massive fan of the first game, it was a huge surprise for me. This.. falls short of that. Featuring 2 completely different protagonists, who I find to be likeable enough. I find that the dialogue options you choose for Riley shape her into either being really annoying or really likeable, luckily I think I got the likeable side of Riley.

But this game is mostly walking and talking, and while the conversations can be interesting at times, I never felt the surrounding threat that much, especially compared to the first game where I was on the edge of my seat the majority of the time.

Things didn’t really start getting interesting till the end, and even then it felt it dragged on a little. I did like the connections to the first game tho, I just wish I could’ve remembered the story of the first game, as it’s been a few years. Also, the games “big decision” ended up being the easiest decision I think I’ve made in one of these games, the setup to that wasnt great.

It’s still a solid game, and an interesting few hours you can put into it, but it’s nothing revolutionary and I can’t imagine it being very memorable in years to come.

After the success of Until Dawn, I was very excited for its spiritual successor (as I found the Dark Pictures Anthology games to be massively below average), unfortunately outside of a great cast, there isn’t much to like here

The story takes a while to set itself up, which is fine, and the supernatural element is cool, but it very quickly throws you into constant death situations that can feel like whiplash. The supernatural element of the game worked really well until I realised it’s basically a carbon copy of the wendigos from until dawn.

The game also has a huge chunk in the middle that deals with flashbacks, and while it’s needed, it’s also incredibly boring to slow the plot down to fill in context.

I got a few characters killed by the ending based off the game not being clear with some decisions it was presenting me, I never really bothered to go back and get the true ending. It’s an ok game with an ok story, but I preferred Until Dawn as the stakes felt higher and when you get a character killed, it felt more justified by the decisions I was making


It’s fun and cute, but not much more. As a “game” it’s fine, but there’s a lot of just walking around. Those that called Death Stranding a walking simulator.. I think this classifies more as a walking sim.

The story is ok too, but nothing to really rave about, it mainly survives off being cute, peel back that layer and there isn’t much here

While playing The Last of Us Remastered twice before hopping on this, I was still excited to see the upgraded graphics, and they are amazing, I wish there was a way they could’ve changed the gameplay to reflect part 2 tho, but I understand why it’s hard to do.

One of the best story games of all time, which has been turned into a HBO show (massively deserved), this story of loss and hope is written so well, and essentially begun the genre of the unofficial father and child dynamic in media. This game rips your heart open and leaves you empty by the time the credits roll. With great gameplay that is linear and gives you a variety on how you play in this post-apocalyptic world

It’s an instant classic, and will definitely be remembered for many years to come

As a campaign it’s ok, no where near as revolutionary as it’s original back in 2009, and not as high level as 2019s Modern Warfare.

Multiplayer is fine, just your standard COD, enjoyed the open beta but once it released I wasn’t into it that much

I hate Warzone with a passion, as it’s all each developer want to focus on whenever one of these games releases

one of the most surprising games I’ve ever played, when I first saw this was announced, I was expecting it to be similar to the Avengers game that released a year prior. I was so glad to be wrong.

This takes all of the heart from the guardians you know and love, and throws it all into one game. With an incredible cast of characters, and dialogue that is the best of the best, there is never a dull moment playing this game.

The story is also great, I had such a fun time and it’s paced very well. It’s a different approach compared to the films, and I love that. I particularly liked Drax in this game, all of his lines were so funny.

The gameplay could get a little repetitive, but I was having so much fun that I didn’t really care, it’s smooth and it’s easy to navigate so it’s not all bad, and at times reminded me of Spider-man or the Arkham games in terms of combat (only slightly).

But a great soundtrack, I loved jamming out while I was fighting enemies, made the experience much more delightful, it’s one I’ll never forget

in a world where we have dead by daylight and Friday the 13th, I worried that this would be a lacklustre version to cash in on the craze. But this is genuinely well made.

I enjoy the gameplay much more than Friday the 13th, the servers actually work great and my lobbies always seem to be full, even over a week after its release. The game is also quick and easy, you can get a match done in 10 minutes or spend a good 20-25 minutes depending on how good the other players are.

The gameplay is pretty simple and you do get used to it quickly, I do personally feel that playing a victim is a much more enjoyable experience, quite often playing as the family meant me just running round the same areas while I saw “___ has escaped” as the maps are much more difficult to navigate when you aren’t a victim.

But the game is fun, and you can get blindsided by the killers really quickly, resulting in a mad dash and panic as you try to outrun them, it really gets the adrenaline pumping. And I’m glad there’s different areas to break out of, instead of just doing generators in one location, it breaks matches up a little bit.

I can see this getting repetitive, but for now I’m having a good time