56 Reviews liked by nitronikolai

Everybody relax, its not that they're racist it's just that the Final Fantasy 14 character creator can't do black people

Green Greens playing out of my HD rumble couldn't save this one.

Critically acclaimed Newgrounds classic.
Some reviews include:

proventobetrue, August 14, 2014 - 5/5

miguelcato, December 22, 2010 - 5/5

all meet n' fuck games are great but this has a more complex story making it more interresing and awsome the gardeners are pure hotness.
so it's simply great enjoi it"

Wolfgirlll, July 18, 2011 - 5/5

The queen has purple pubs???"

newgrounds1998, December 4, 2012 - 5/5
"fap fap"

NTZX, February 4, 2011 - 5/5
"Best Meet 'n' Fuck game.

This is really the best Meet 'n' Fuck game I've played so far. There's actually a plot (simple, but passable), and all the chicks are HOT. There are nine sex scenes, some of which outshine the others (like the group orgy or the scene with the three sisters). It's the longest of the series, and it's definitely worth a play-through, even if you aren't a fan of the series.
Fantastic and entertaining work."

EGeraldhuebner, April 17, 2015 - 5/5
"First of all, I am german. And so, maybe my english description is not the best ... like other members do write here. Because it doesn't is my native language, okay !?

MnF Lavindor Kingdom (near by: Detective RPG, Star Mission, Ocean Cruise, Secret Agent) is one of my all time favorite sex games. Because, here is - or better ... unfortunately, was - really all correct.

The storyline, characters (Especially the queen was a dream), artwork, gameplay, sounds, dialoges, location, music, interactive features. Only the (short) intro / outro could be better.

Strongly following with: Sexy College Quiz aka College Sim, Hitomi Senpai, Hawai Vacation, my favorite Teacher, Office Romance, Subway Story, Intensive Therapy, Leila, my slutty Principal. And then: the Plumper, Threesome Fun, First Date Sex ... always with the same woman (a cute and hot sweetie).

5 of 5 stars

It is a shame that VadimGod and the MnF team makes now more porn parody's, furry animals and even rape fantasies.

@ the author, - please come back to the roots (like here). Why not ? You're so talented, if you want."

katieochb, November 14, 2009 - 5/5

you make a great series... however.. im a chick and i dont understand how you think EVERY chick likes it in the ass??? to be factual, the guys get closer to orgasm from the prostate that is in their ass... anddddddddddddd girls will NEVER moan while giving head, though i understand these games are better for the male condesuer, but giving head is for your pleasure, NOT OURS!! the moans coming from that section should be coming from the male... despite all my complaints, i think these "mate and fucks" are amazing and i hope you keep on making them :)"

...remind me myself again, why is this on IDGB?

@theBLcommunity: post ur favorite Meet'n'Fuck review in the comments šŸ˜ŽšŸ‘

I didn't get racism until it happened to robots

why yes, mr chicken man. i do like hurting other people. quite a bit, actually. may i do it more

within a span of two months, from september to november of 2019, i lost an old friend and former lover to bone cancer at 23 years old, and my father revealed to me that heā€™d been diagnosed with stage 2 lung cancer. this would indicate a nearly three year journey to where i am now - a sequence of events which tested the limits of my perseverance, willpower, camaraderie, self-love, and actualization of community. my life underwent severe changes throughout this period; essentially revising my entire outlook on my relationships to patching up and mending my relationship with my dad which had resulted in some pretty catastrophic gaps gashed out pretty equally on both sides. some outside events completely reformed how i lived, the safety and love i had to provide myself for my own wellbeing, and fostering a lot of growth and evolution out of a patch where what iā€™d known and what i held onto were slipping through my fingers.

during this time, my father set an example of how he would choose to live. he combatted cancer and heartbreak with rudiment, structure, dedication and iron will. i watched him break on more than a few occasions. but it was through his search for that light where he found his own branch of buddhism, practice of meditation, and a new outlook on his life. he began to teach me the lessons heā€™d taken away - both of us being that type of person with loud, constantly-spewing minds. he instilled and internalized the idea that meditation and serenity are not about clearing the mind of thought, but finding a means to acknowledge the thought and move on from it. it was only along the lines of that practice that we both began to unbox our trauma - both conjoined and individual. it was only then when we could cultivate growth, hope, and those first rays of light.

i had no access to therapy or professional help at the time. i was between jobs when i wasn't crammed into ones that abused and berated me and my time. my greatest resources for self-love, as they are now, were my loved ones and my then-cracked-yet-unbroken devotion to art. traumatic attachments kept me apart from those things i loved most, but in the process of recovering from a sequence in time in which i felt like iā€™d lost myself, figured it took recessing back to those works which had so clearly defined attics of my life to that point to regain shards of who iā€™d been, and define who i would choose to be moving forward. over the next year, i would play final fantasy vii six times to completion, twice with friends, four times on my own. the hanging threads of grief, trauma, self-actualization v. dissociation, lack of direction - these things culminated in a story which more and more i felt whispered answers directly to me, for my consumption alone. itā€™s in those moments where a bond is made between art and audience where the attachment becomes not just inseparable, but near essential.

final fantasy vii doesnā€™t hand you answers for the questions you come to it with. there isnā€™t a resolution to the trauma, there isnā€™t a solution to the pain or the grief. it is an embrace, and a hold of the hand, and a gentle call; ā€œhere is how you live with yourself. here is how you learn to be alive again.ā€ the sociopolitical conflicts, the internal struggles, the budding seeds of affection and fraternity donā€™t reach a natural apex - they hum in anticipation of a deciding factor which never comes. perpetually trapped within the question, but offering you the means to provide your own answer in life. the final shot of the game isnā€™t a conclusion meant to be expanded upon. itā€™s simply a closing of the cover, the final page turned before the index of note paper before being passed to you with the command - ā€œapply yourself. turn this into something that matters.ā€ so i chose to.

and i found myself in midgar again, with new friends and a new outlook.

you come back to the slums of wall market and sector 7 with a new worldview and appreciation each time. thereā€™s a different purpose, when your relationship with this game is as intimate as mine, for coming back here. i know the smog, the street life, the feeling of inescapable, walled-in urban destitution well. you grow up in any city poor enough and you get to know midgar intimately. itā€™s a familiar setting with a familiar social agency. the seventh heaven crew, theyā€™re all faces iā€™ve known, fires in bellies i once shared, and now understand in a different light. theyā€™re old friends i knew in my activism years as a teenager, theyā€™re people i looked up to and lost through the years. iā€™ve lost a lot of people and a lot of faith over time. it might seem like a quick moment to many but the sector 7 tower fight reminds me of people and things that exist only in memories now.

the moment the world opens up and the main theme plays, while unscripted, is one of the most powerful in the game to me. i retain that this title track might be my favorite piece of video game music and such a perfect encapsulation of the gameā€™s philosophy and emotional core. stinging synth strings meet acoustic woodwind and orchestral drones. playful countermelodies give way to massive, bombastic chords in a rocking interplay that rarely fails to inspire, intrigue and invoke. uematsu-sensei, unquestionably at the apex of his mastery here, provides his most timeless score. i think about, am inspired by, and draw from his work here intensely. the artistry pours out from every nook of final fantasy vii - the models, the cutscenes, the background renders, the gameplay systems, the story, the use of diegetic sound, the pacing, the designs - everything came together in a way that somehow evokes equal feelings of nostalgia, futurism, dread, fear, warmth, love, hope, and utter timelessness. streaming and voice-acting this entire game with my close friends was one of the best experiences of my year. hitting each turn with a decently blind audience provided both knowing and loving perspective and the unmitigated rush of first experience - in tandem, a passing of the torch, an unspeakable gift of an unbroken chain shared between loved ones. if final fantasy vii saved my life once before, this was the run which restored its meaning and direction.

iā€™ve been cloud, iā€™ve been tifa, iā€™ve been barret, iā€™ve been nanaki. iā€™ve been zack, iā€™ve been aerith. there are lives lived in the confines of final fantasy vii which i hold as pieces of my own, countless repetitions of those stories with those resolutions my own to meet, different each time. there was something magic about the ability to, a year after that painful strike of all of that anguish, that death, that loss, that fear, sit on the end screen as the seriesā€™ endless ā€œpreludeā€ played amongst 32-bit starfields and openly sob for a half hour surrounded by the voices and words of my loved ones. that was the day i learned to live again. itā€™s more than a game when you know it this intimately. itā€™s more than an experience when you share these scars. itā€™s more than art when you hold onto so dearly. there isnā€™t a classifier for what final fantasy vii means to me other than, ā€œa lotā€. sometimes, less is more. i donā€™t have a conclusion beyond that for you. the experience recalls everyone and everything i've ever loved and lost, and all that i've come to gain and hold dear. goodbye to some, hello to all the rest. true, reading this, it may have been a waste of your time, but iā€™m glad i was able to share this with someone. i hope this reaches at least one of you on a level you needed today, or maybe it invokes something in you about something you love so dearly. iā€™m here to tell you - this is how i learned to live again. if you need someone to tell you, today, that you can too, here it is. you arenā€™t alone. go find those answers for yourself.

please don't step on the flowers on your way.

Chapter One
A child ran off from their village, filled with rage. A petty kind of anger; one that the child would have all but forgotten about the next time you saw them. This next time would never come, though. The child disappeared and in their place stood a Destroyer.

Chapter Two
The village seemed different. Strange new people kept showing up, with pig shaped masks covering their eyes. On the surface, they went about their business and chatted like any other villager but the more mind you paid them, the more their words rang hollow. Their thoughts and jokes seemed inorganic; mass produced even. As these Pigmasks gathered in the village, the original people there felt alienated. An old man, once known for his insights and his sharp wit would get angrier and angrier, lashing out at those around him and eventually leaving. More villagers would follow suit, some of them against their will, as this community they saw as a safe haven to share things they couldnā€™t share anywhere else slowly but surely became part of that ā€œanywhere else.ā€
Were these Pigmasks to blame for everything? Or was it merely a case of things that always infested the community finally bubbling up to the surface? And what of the Destroyer, a one-time villager, now hailed as the champion of the Pigmasks?

Chapter Three
A monkey walked through a forest with boxes on their back; head and torso fighting a fierce battle to not fall and hit the ground. This grueling process eventually became routine and the monkeyā€™s body eventually went on autopilot. They had all this time to think about if theyā€™ll ever move past this task and if theyā€™ll ever have a purpose.
Did the Destroyer have the same thoughts in this same forest?

Chapter Four
Another village child was not unlike the one who would become the Destroyer. In fact, you could say that these two village children were a single entity; two sides of the same coin. The Destroyer was the head of this coin, facing up and always the topic of conversation from those who saw this ā€œface.ā€ The tail, stuck to the ground, reveled in the attention the head received. They took glee in seeing friends talk about the Destroyer without any clue of its relation to the one standing near them. They searched for other villagersā€™ words on this mysterious Destroyer and snuck into houses to see them: the praise, the insults, the natural discussions surrounding this new ā€œsymbolā€ of the village.
This was not healthy for the village child. But still, could you blame them? This sensation of feeling important, even if that importance was just a niche micro-celeb in a small village, was much more comforting than the cold reality of meaning nothing in the grand scheme of things.

Chapter Five
A Pigmask working in a tower was a big fan of a rock band. They were utterly awestruck at the sight of that bandā€™s merchandise on the man that entered the tower earlier that day and could not talk about anything other than that band: expressing their love of the bandā€™s work, idolizing the ones behind it as supposedly great people, and elevating the band to some moral paragon because of milquetoast political opinions in its songs.
The Destroyer was in the tower too, watching this Pigmaskā€™s conversation with mere apathy if not active contempt.

Chapter Six
Sometimes, ghosts of the past appear as reminders of what will never come back.

Chapter Seven
The Destroyer pulled a needle out of the ground and felt nothing. They pulled quite a bit of these needles before but something was different this time. The act was now done only out of some perceived obligation; to the Pigmasks and villagers cheering on or to the fake images of hearts that result from the act. It was time for the last needle to be pulled.

Chapter Eight
The Destroyer laid on the ground motionless as its tail pulled the final needle on its behalf. Its supposed stardom was crushed into not even half a star.
Itā€™s over.

A pathetic little game made by geeks.

Small dick energy.

My mom came in to tell me that she and my dad were getting a divorce in the middle of me fighting Xehanort. I just paused the game and listened, and when she left, I unpaused and continued the fight.

Indigent as an immersive sim and shallow as an artistical proposition. The faux-transhumanist mirror this industry deserves.

this most often takes precedence in my mind over the actual prequels

This game outed me as a little crybaby bitch.

My mom named her vacuum cleaner Fire Emblem because itā€™s been around since 1990 and fucking sucked the entire time.

"If the world holds our lives back, I will end it!"

xenoblade chronicles is one of my all time favorite games, and on the other hand, 2 is my absolute least favorite game i've ever played. needless to say i was pretty worried about how much i would enjoy xenoblade 3 and only really gave it a shot after one of my friends started playing it, and i'm really glad i gave it a chance. not only is the game magnificent in its own right, i feel like it fixes everything i hated about xenoblade 2 to make one of the best games i've ever played, to the point where i can't tell whether or not i prefer 1 or 3

there's a lot of things i love about this game. the jp dub is incredibly good, honestly on par with 1's english dub. xbc3 also has my favorite soundtrack in the series, my favorite party in the series, my favorite main protagonist in the series, my favorite gameplay in the series, and easily the best side content too. the environments are also really great. even if they aren't as imaginative as the environments in earlier games, they're still absolutely stunning and a few later game ones are easy contenders for my favorite locations in xenoblade. not a major thing but i appreciate the game showing same sex couples in scenes about love and its importance, really nice thing they didn't have to do but i'm glad they did. i also really like moebius! i think they're a great set of villains (at least for this series) and don't understand why everyone dislikes them so much.

in terms of the party, having your main group from the start of the game is a great way to handle it. the characters relationships and dynamics get to develop at a natural pace and you really believe the progression of how they interact with each other. the job system is also a lot of fun, and heroes are a great way to vary up your team without compromising what the established party is going for.

my only real complaint with the game is that i'm not the biggest fan of how some side content (mainly a select few hero quests) handle the permanence of some story beats. i don't usually let side content impact my opinion of a game since i never go out of my way to do it on a first playthrough (xenoblade 3 being an exception) and the context of the lore and themes at least make what this side content does a bit more excusable.

overall, despite going into this game worried i'd be wasting my time and that xenoblade 1 would be the only game in this series that was "made for me" i was pleasantly surprised by a game that improves on what both of its predecessors set out to do in a way that, while a treat for returning fans, is still a great entry point and standalone story. please play this game if you have the free time to, you won't regret it.