18 reviews liked by noahtimesdos

We all make mistakes. Especially in the name of protecting those you love.

The wolf brothers. Two against the world. Bearing their mistakes, the scars and bruises they earn, the ghosts they leave behind, all in the name of protecting themselves; in the name of brotherhood. How we learn, who we learn from, the friends we make along the way and how we will never forget them, no matter how many years pass on by.

I'm tired. A bit crushed. Many thoughts. Always the feelings a masterpiece leaves you with.

Jill Valentine? Samus? Cortana? Tifa?
Bitch, my first love on female video game characters was Flo.
(That I am still ashamed of admiting)

Very unique and you could already tell that this was going to be the future face of shitty mobile games and cheap rip-offs.
For it's time this was actually a pretty chill and satisfying game to play.

fuuuuck dude you can just make good things........

this game made me an ike kinnie

giving this more than two hours of a chance paid off SPECTACULARLY. a beautiful anti-reactionary story about never giving in to the easy answer, never stopping thinking, and never losing your kind spirit even when faced with your worst enemy.

without 'cringe', it cannot be 'based'

who else wishes they were dead from suicide

i hate every diablo and diablo-like so fucking much that i just cheated in my desired build in order to have a good time. but i did have a good time so no big deal really

1 list liked by noahtimesdos

by starr |

85 Games