a very fun metroidvania that maybe could've used a bit more of a challenge on hard. a lot of fun performances in this. in hindsight this is a great antidote to the stodgy self serious Nolan movies which, a few great performance aside, disappeared up its own arse.

the concept is so unique and extraordinary and the acting necessary to tie it all together is so good for people i've never heard of but I can already feel the method of trying to tie everything together wearing thin

you know fair play for letting them iron out the major problems with this

I really couldn't jive with the gameplay at all but the balls to the wall sincerity and total lack of subtext in Kojima's most accurate satire yet makes up for it

one piece of art where the memes did nothing to deflate my enjoyment once I got round to it

my annual open world slop done for 2022. it's fine. the core gameplay loop is fun even if it's incredibly easy even on hard. I never died once in combat!

watching carrie ann moss and lance reddick trade barbs was fun though.


yeah it's pretty good. gorgeous looking, charming, and some unexpectedly great body horror creepy horror midway through.

if I was being cruel I would call it an expensive looking tech demo like anything naughty dog makes.

reading the discourse around the ending reminded me of my favourite thing angry nerds do which is having a visceral reaction to something not being what they want, having it patiently explained it to them, then claiming they knew that was the intention but they don't like it anyway.

added a star for that.

only joking I had a nice time with this

rockstar created a living breathing world, filled it with the best radio stations i've ever heard in a game and topped it off with the world's most obnoxious and annoying world building and character writing.

once again it's very funny to kill famous historical figures but other than that. bland.

this feels like a studio rolling the greatest hits with such confidence. my first ever soulsborne game that I've rolled credits and I owe it all to you, "furled finger jason statham".

a superb and stunning experience. I love you, ranni

mercifully short

the main romantic interest is scottish don't believe the game's lies

I would simply take games with an interesting premise and not make them bad to play and boring to watch

reviewing again to say this is actually good it just requires a full engagement with all the toys the game gives you beyond the (excellent) grapple hook.