14 reviews liked by noyahfrequencies

This game is like feeling your way around a maze in a dream, and I mean that in a good way. Completely original experience that can't really be understood without checking it out yourself.

I really don’t know what it is but I just don’t have fun with this game. I did like 3 worlds and I just never started feeling it at all. I really don’t know what it is like it’s definitely a charming game but I just don’t connect to it for some reason.

A pretty solid 3D platformer that doesn't overstay its welcome. I never played the original Pac-Man World despite playing the hell outta 2 (and to a lesser extent, 3) as a kid, so it was pretty neat finally checking it out via this remake. Would recommend.

this was my first pikmin game. i had no idea what a pikmins was, but I think I definitely get it now!
you have a wide range of different controls and abilities relative to the situation you're in, whether you're ontop of the dog or boots on the ground or maybe depending on what skill you're prioritizing.
i loved collecting all the things and saving all the people, but the gramfix man wowie does Nintendo know how to push their hardware.
a definite treat!

this game is like if you let an asshole 3 year old make a Mario maker level and used his game design philosophy to make a full game

It's a sequel (spin-off?) to IV.
It has more streamlined battle system, which makes the game easier than its predecessor. It also has completely unremarkable boss fights in early game, and an entirely unnecessary final dungeon.
But none of that matters because this is a game where you with a party of a couple of samurai, a bunch of kids and a spooky ghost go around the world and fuck up gods and demons just because a dude possessing your smartphone told you so.
This game is impossibly dumb and I love it.

Is it silly, poorly acted, a bit sexist, and weirdly European? Yes. But you know, I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it.

Why is Shelby's doorknob in the middle of his door, though? It makes me so mad.

This game is basically a dead MMO nowadays. Makes sense, since Xenoverse 2 has been a thing for like 10 years now and is just mechanically this game but better, according to my friends who tried to talk me out of getting this.

But yeah, the only reason to get this nowadays is the singleplayer. That aspect is pretty fun, though. The ability to make your own Dragon Ball self-insert who gets to be best friends with Future Trunks and Goku is literally everyone's childhood dream, don't pretend it isn't. Honestly I think the way this extends the Dragon Ball mythos is better than Super. Rides the fine line between fanfiction and normal DB shenanigans.

Make sure you use third party tools to speed up the grind, though, it's a goddamn slog.

While I have a history with the first, I had never played this game until now. I didn't expect them to change up the formula so much, making it absurdly more difficult at points. I fear the inevitable third entry playthrough.

I like this game. I don't love it like a lotta people do, but I like it. I think there's kinda a lotta missed potential with the concept and execution, and some of the design choices are kinda eh, but it's a fine hybrid Sonic game.