technically haven't finished it yet as i'm on the Rainbow Rocket postgame content, but i'm considering it beat.

this game's weird, man. i remember adoring Sun and Moon on release, being caught up in the hype. i recall getting USUM on release, playing for a bit, only to drop it forever.

picking back up, i was hit with a weird blend of some incredibly obtuse game design, some fantastic character designs, memorable music, and a mostly in tact plot. while i don't 100% remember what went down beat to beat in SuMo, i do feel like this one suffers more than its predecessor. the plot hitches more than once due to the inclusion of the Ultra stuff, most glaringly when Lusamine is off-screened and then beelines her development. it's weird. i also recall the plot being delivered less awkwardly, less broken up pacing to stop and start a new cutscene. still like the game, but it's an odd thing that stood out.

i also feel like the game restricts exploration a lot. soooo many arbitrary blockages, linear hallway maps, and claustrophobic caves. i feel like even in spite of their flaws, none of the 3DS era Pokemon games have aged well. tho, i do wanna revisit more of them. USUM just felt like a fucking chore at a certain point, and it broke my heart because i always wanna go to bat for these ones but damn, it was not as smooth as i remembered.

still overall liked it, but it's got a lot more in the way than i recalled. its kinda boring. but when its good, its got some GREAT stuff to display.

neat little port of rayman for gbc.

played this on a whim, and its pretty solid. looks really great esp for the time, and plays decent. its got some snappy controls, and decent levels.

ngl i just got stuck, and don't see myself coming back to beat it.

this game is poison.

i will never finish this game. i will likely never touch it again if i have it my way.

it's unassuming. "oh, look at the graphics! they're pretty good! it has some style to it!" too bad. that's it.

it starts out fine, the gimmick is there but it has a decent flow to it. you can chain jumps, switch platforms, etc. but then Sonic decides to stop responding to your button presses. the gimmicks get worse. the Wisps are fucking back again. the story is the definitive worst the series has. fuck the Deadly Six. more like the Deadly Bad.

the game doesn't even have good music. even bad titles like Forces have some good tracks to keep you somewhat sane. not Lost World. no sir.

i wanted to beat this. but i literally can't bring myself to.

stopped at Frozen Factory.

holy fuck, video games.

a wonderful collection of two incredibly good platformers, way worth the price of entry.

klonoa 1 is a genuine masterpiece, and i can't overstate that enough. of course after playing the psx version, i prefer that more but this is still great. the difficulty is fine-tuned, the score is great, the physics feel just right. i fell in love with that game, one of the best platformers of all time for sure

klonoa 2 is a bit of a mixed bag but still incredibly strong. the level design ranges from a bit bland to INCREDIBLY COOL, it fluctuates but the highs are pretty high. the story is deeper this time, but honestly i think i prefer the more subdued narrative 1 had. 2's story doesn't have as impactful conclusion. especially not when it comes to boss fights. 2's boss fights are a huge step back, but mainly the final boss. i think including the new hoverboard mechanic was cool, but the phase afterwards is uhhhh terrible.

either way, go buy this and maybe we'll get another one of these in 20 years. maybe.

"wahoo! dupurudu!"

i believe this is the truest a 5/5 can get. this is one of the best platforming experiences i've ever had. it oozes soul, it plays perfect, the ost is great, the difficulty feels perfectly finetuned. i am in love.

decided to buy the remake duology on a whim, played halfway through 1, loved it so much that i downloaded this and decided to play through twice. it is that good.

this version is the better version too, barring the slight slipperyness on platforms, the visual flair just goes so far. i just can't get over how perfect this is. oh my god. i believe in klonoa supremacy.

This review contains spoilers

"the revolution in your heart will guide your way."

it's..... okay! i had higher expectations for this one considering the build-up to release was hype. the gameplay looked really fun, and i fell in love with the artstyle.

the artstyle remained consistent at least, the game has some really cool boss designs. the Shadow Toshiro fight with the giant corrupted Eri was great, and i'd love to see it in a non-chibi style. the PT all looked super cute which was also great.

the gameplay threw me for a loop, it started off barebones which upset me. then it seemed like it was going to open up and get complex with stuff like the One More turns, follow-ups and some level gimmicks but it never did. most of the difficulty comes from enemies hitting for like 100+ towards the end of the game, and each map tossing out dozens of new enemies as opposed to any real creativity. it's a shame because there's a glimmer of a true 10/10 within. there's a level in the second kingdom where you manuever doors to get to the enemies while ninja enemies teleport you when attacked. if only it kept that momentum....

the final kingdom was also just absolute dogshit. nothing but grey muddy locations and a limpdick boss rush where the dialogue can be summed up as "Hey it's me the boss from before! Rah!" and Toshiro goes "now i am confident! this doesn't bother me!" same goes for Salmael who really felt like an afterthought. people often go after Yaldy in P5 but he had some build-up at least. he fell in line thematically and could be seen through stuff like Mementos. this guy turns up, says some stuff, you fight him, games done.

i can say it's not all bad though, the new characters really shine bright. Toshiro especially was a great character, who brought out the best in the PT. each aspect of his struggles paired up with trauma they had, and it gave way for some poignant scenes.

overall, it's... just fine. more P5 gang which i'm here for, but at the end of the day, it's nothing special or new. a basic srpg with a Persona 5 coating. (at least it was more enjoyable than fucking Strikers)

this game is such a confusing experience because when it's good, it's really fucking good but when it's bad, it's BAAAAAAAAD.

the good aspects truly show Sega's understanding of love for the series. the stage choices are great, the remixed tracks are soooo good, and the gameplay is some of the best in the series. i firmly believe this is the best "Classic" Sonic has felt barring Mania. the initial cutscene is also super charming and sets the setting well.

but then the bad is oppressive. 9 fucking levels, 18 if you count the different styles, and that is IT. the rest is padding with challenges that either provide a bit of fun or are so backwards they make you wanna pull your hair out. the incentive to beating them outside of advancing the game, is to get some arbitrary skills that i never once used. i know you could argue that i'm not experiencing the game to its fullest but i just didn't feel any drive to get them or use them.

the story is non-existent barring some cushiony cutscenes that basically go "Gee, I wonder what is happening!" only for Eggman in the final stage to explain. speaking of, this game has one of the worst fucking final bosses of all time. no explanation, you're just thrown in there with the bodiless voices of the Sonic friends shouting at you. you attack like 3 times and bam, no conclusion cutscene for the fight. just a little jump to the party.

Generations also marks the beginning of trends the Sonic franchise has going forward that i just fucking hate. like the arbitrary distinction of "Classic" and "Modern". i felt it fine when fans defined the different eras but to see it officially always rubbed me wrong. that and Classic Sonic just being a silent cartoon? why does he pantomime? this stupid decision carried forward up to new stuff like Superstars where NO ONE talks and each cutscene is painful to watch. but that's a different game.

i don't know, in spite of all the negatives, i still liked it! this is my second time beating it, and i still can't say i hate it. but man, is it weird. very weird.

filed under "Things Made Just For Me"

this game fucking rules, all 3 and a half hours of it. the atmosphere oozes style. it's all so dissonant and off. the music is weird, the character designs are not traditional or even fully comprehendable, the story is hardly there and it all works so well.

hylics is awe-inspiring to me, it's just so utterly deranged and works in spite of that. the core gameplay makes sense, and despite the difficulty curve at the beginning, death never sets you back. you're able to get right back up and go. the skills all provide a neat angle too. different properties and some odd wording but at its core, its still a rpg.

love this.

dropping this for the foreseeable future, because it just is not hitting.

it's a perfectly functioning game, and its very pretty considering the time it released. but when compared to the original Mario trilogy and World, it just is sauceless. a lot of levels have multiple paths which in theory is neat, but it makes it a slog to find the ending. the levels drag for-fucking-ever, and i just never get that satisfying feel that i really did anything.

some puzzles are fun to figure out, timing egg throws or angling things just right. but i got to a certain point where idk.. the charm wore off.

the game definitely laid the foundation for collectathons and platformers to come after it, but it just doesn't really have anything for me to come back and finish it. i'm close to the end but i just do not care enough.

also fuck that baby, man.

the one that started it all, baby!

felt the urge to play through R/B since i've seen a lot of disdain for them recently. complaints that they're too slow, glitchy, or just boring. gotta say, i don't see it. didn't experience a single glitch, and while it can be a bit slow, it makes up for it in other ways. exploration is rewarding, every part of the map has something to offer. secret tucked away corners that unlock once you obtain certain TMs, the legendary birds hidden in spots you'd stumble upon by chance (unless you look it up), the map doesn't feel too big or anything. R/B can be a teeny bit unclear on what to do next, and that does suck but hey man. it's an rpg from the 90s. par for the course.

final team was venusaur/wigglytuff/ninetales/sandslash/vaporeon/zapdos.

elite four run is actually daunting, the AI suddenly realizes they can beat your ass. it's good stuff. love this series. always will.

every game, every single level.

this was an extremely fun time except for when it wasn't. SMB1 is the perfect example of timeless, as it's top to bottom a great time. SMB2 (USA) is the black sheep, but still really fun. long ass levels tho, which can kill your momentum/become a slog if you find yourself getting a game over. SMB3 is perfect, every level is just the right length for me and feels great.

Lost Levels... well. wow. holy shit. i can't believe i completed it. and not just 1-8, but world 9, and worlds A-D. i sincerely do not understand what the thought process was. i get that it's meant for the Hardcore Players, but half of it is fake difficult. random leaps of faith. random hammer bros just plopped in to impede your progress. hardly any power ups. POISON FUCKING MUSHROOMS. far too many puzzle levels that require you to figure out Up then Down then Up then Up. some levels that actually have no clear end in sight to the point where i had to look it up, only to find im meant to leap at this specific spot for a hidden block to appear. other levels where i'm progressing and then a random hidden block appears, causing me to fall to my death. it's punishing. it's cruel. but i'm glad i beat it. i do feel accomplished/proud of myself.

forgot to add this but i beat the whole thing in one sitting at a con a week or two ago.

it's a classic, what else can i say? no move variety, some crushing difficulty at times to get your quarters, and gorgeous sprite work.

will always play this even for a bit if i see it.

"heal the world."

after what felt like forever, Spider-Man 2 is finally here and man, what a perfect fucking experience it was.

the narrative is STRONG, with Insomniac demonstrating just how well they GET Spider-Man. balancing between Peter and Miles was no small task but I believe they hit the perfect balance between them. I was deeply invested in both sides, and seeing how they met in the middle was just perfect. the villains of the game, Kraven and Venom are oppresive in both atmosphere and the actual fights with them. the final fight with Venom has some really great symbolism that i won't say to avoid spoilers.

of course, the game does have some flaws technically. the gliding missions where you chase Kravens birds aren't very fun, the suspension of belief for MJs missions is.... touchy, and the combat can get clustered with how many different enemy types it throws out at you. but in spite of all of that, i can't rate it any lower than a 5. the highs vastly beat out the lows for me. i just did not want my time with it to end. the emotional beats hit so hard and the set pieces were explosive. when they player Cigarette Daydreams during the flashback, i knew we had something special here.

it's one of the few games i've cared to 100%/Platinum.

having never properly beaten this, i decided what the hell.

as a kid, i had Mario All Stars but not World so I've cleared the first 3 a plethora of times. i got World later down the line but i was more interested in other games at the time so i never played more than a world or two.

needless to say, it's great! obviously. graphical style is fun, the levels have great variety and the power ups are good.

donkey kong country better though.

surprisingly good.

a step above DKC2 in a lot of ways. felt way more fine-tuned. had a fair amount of unique gimmicks to it, even if some were only for a level. the boss battles were also pretty striking, and memorable. even if the urchin one had me pissed off.

i also really like that it functionally felt closer to DKC1 than 2. Kiddy is the Donkey Kong archetype. DKC2 just had Diddy and Diddy who can fly jump. certain enemies couldn't be killed by Dixie but she makes up for it with better mobility.

the usage of 3D space was also really clever. you can tell they were wringing the SNES cart for all it had considering the 64 had been out for a few months by the time this released.