35 reviews liked by omelettefeet

Loved that I finished it in one sitting. One of those games where I’m going to be musing “huh, that was a good game” repeatedly over the next week.

This review was written before the game released

Legally I can't rate this game

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Best of the anthology so far. I think a bit more leniency for the fates of some characters would be nice but it’s definitely the highest the stakes have felt. Most fun gameplay segments and some really fun choices. I would give this a 5/5 if Trent had lived



Lovely cat game. Great visual, great vibes, great world building. Will probably try to platinum this gem

2 absolute masterpieces. My favourite uncharted games by far and so nice to play them at higher resolution with a better frame rate. Honestly looks better than any game I’ve played in the past 2 years. Lovely story, love me a puzzle, fun swinging. I love

Beautiful game. Perfect length of 1 or 2 medium sessions or one long session.
Love the lack of prompts and how the game trusts you to work things out. Can’t wait to play the sequel ❤️

Beautiful little adventure. Such a cute and well implemented art style. Loved learning about this little world of knights. Can’t wait to dig into the expansions.

I enjoyed this game. I had a lot of complaints too. Doesn’t really seem like you can change any of the endings until the final few decisions. There are some story pacing issues for sure but I think I did enjoy a majority of the stories despite not getting much of an explanation for any of it