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I used to consume Final Fantasy games by watching cutscene compilations instead of playing them, and I kinda wish we'd just done that with this one too and saved ourselves 36 hours of repetitive gameplay and half-baked minigames.

I'm upset because I don't want to be a hater and there was lots here I loved - seeing the main characters interact (Barrett and Yuffie MVPs), the Loveless play was amazing and tons of fun, and ofc watching my boy Zack radiating positivity in his doomed timeline(s?). But idk, the central plot of following comically weird slow dudes to random places "Because Sephiroth" or whatever really wasn't doing it for me, and I spent a lot of my time being frustrated that the plot and the characters kept dancing around providing any proper motivations or answers for things. I felt let down a lot with the main story in this, and left feeling confused, but not in a way that made me excited to learn more (like the end of the last game).

In Remake I understood the themes, the emotions they were trying to elicit, and i felt them! In this one i could see the ideas (because they spelled them the fk out) but i didnt actually feel them or see the payoff with the characters or the plot. This very much felt like a long introduction to another game, and while I will definitely play (or watch) the next, i cant say i feel that same excitement i had waiting for this one. Not yet at least. Im hoping after sitting with it and watching it again I'll feel differently.

Also I'm rambling now but Sephiroth has lost his scary edge majorly. He was just A Dude Who Kept Showing Up to say cryptic shit, cackle, and leave. When Rufus showed up for the gold saucer fight I have never been more confused, why the hell did he do that? Theres this focus on doing things that look cool than actually telling a proper story.

I'll wrap it up but, in summary, I just dont think i should be leaving your game with the same questions I had at the end of the last one, this had no business being an open world game, vincent valentine im objectifying you, and zack fair i will love you until the end of time.

Loved everything about this one! Setting, characters, story, decisions.... Loved it.... binky bonky ❤️

A bizarre lil game that caused me so much psychic damage every time I played it that I only played one chapter every few months!!! Great cast, great mysteries, incredible soundtrack, gundham tanaka is in it....what more can I say? What a game ✅

Best one since Until Dawn for sure!!!! In this house we are Team Salim ✅

Combat was actually difficult and meant you had to strategise instead of being 10 levels higher and just smacking everying (looking at you fire emblem!!!!) But I missed getting the chance to bond with your team members, and the story was pretty weak at times, especially one of the final decisions where it felt like 2 members of your party were just completely going against all established character traits they had so far. Also it DRAGGGGEEEDDDD like crazy, finishing this felt like throwing the ring into Mount Doom, like... IT'S DONE!!!!! Anyway justice for my boy Jerrom, where was his screentime?


watching mandy play this was a lot of fun!!! charming lil world that we got to explore!!! loved whenever she'd make the cat claw at a carpet and we'd sit there giggling at how cute it was for 2 minutes

The glitches, reusing the same 3 maps for everything, the combat, all objectively a step down from Origins... But idk I just love that the protagonist is a PERSON in this one, I actually care about Hawke in a way that I just don't for my Warden and Inquisitor. Hawke and their companions just feel more like a family, and I buy into their relationships more, which is..... ultimately what I care most about in video games!

Also, fuck Bioware and the way they always make mages turn to blood magic even when it goes against literally everything they've been saying, just because "ooo mages bad because blood magic" is the only flimsy argument they've got in this franchise :)

Finally, Fenris, if you're out there, I'm in love with you. See you in Dragon Age 4 ❤️

Good, fun lil game to chill out with! Once you "get" the strategy, though, it becomes repetitive and less of challenge

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As president of the Zack Fair fan club, I have never cried and screamed so much in the span of 15 mins in my LIFE

got me crying on a discord call? THANKS

also beachstickball is the hardest game i've ever played

Sitting down with a little notebook to write my quests/info in, wandering through this ridiculous, stupid, wonderful little world............ I loved it so much...... my brain just can't keep up with open world games............ but I'll be back <3

The writing was hot garbage. The characters were hot garbage. The gameplay was hot garbage. I can't decide if I liked the plot. But I will say this: Will Poulter actually looked quite nice with longer hair.

Happy Home Paradise is the best DLC ever made for any game ever. I would kill for Lottie.

Look, even though this game took me 4 years to finish, I still think it's bloody amazing. The world-building, the mechanics, the story, all perfect ❤️ I think the reason it took me so long is that massive open-world games just aren't for me! I get bored and frustrated and prefer to just play a good story rather than grind for hours. A testament to how good this game is, is that I kept wanting to go back and finish it despite that! (And also that I could get right back into it within 5 minutes without having to re-learn everything) Legit the only minus points I'd give it is for the English voice acting... and I also hate breakable/non-repairable weapons...

Regardless, a beautiful game treating a beloved franchise with the care and grace it deserves 💚

Also......Kass, marry me 💙