375 Reviews liked by onbeans

You guys spent $70 on Bad Piggies

Gonna be honest, despite seeing a lot people claiming this was much more than a big DLC pack, this felt like a (albeit big) DLC expansion that left me feeling hollow. I already had a lot of gripes with BOTW but I gave a lot of them a pass since this was a new take for Zelda but this game didn't really address any of them (doubling down in most cases).

Cured my depression
I got excited to wake up the next morning knowing I could play this more

I have what's probably the most common, normie opinion of this game: the controls and fighting rule, the wacky setting is charming for about 3 hours and then kind of wears out its welcome, and the "open world" and job stuff is bad. Had they just fully embraced the game's arcade influences and made it successive stages with no busywork in between, we'd be talking about a close-to-masterpiece.

Never got tired of hearing Travis yell "FAWK you" while decapitating 10 guys at once.

anticlimactic af after the word of mouth and rave this gets :/

I like this game more than most. Yes it is piss easy but I had a great time with it. This was the first Pokémon game I ever owned and I loved it. Kalos is a beautiful region with a lot to see. Other Pokémon games may be better but XY holds a special place on my heart. Also Xerneas is awesome.

this game should NOT be $40 fucking dollars

this jawn expensive as fuck for a unity game

There's a sense of momentum here that the sequels gave up in favor of more midair control, and while that was probably the right move for the series going forward, the constant forwardness feels SO good with these linear, straight-shot levels. Pure and simple, and 100% NOT made obsolete by its successors.

why did they release the same game 3 times?

Sometimes all a game needs to do is entertain you for X amount of hours until you're ready to move on from it.

I played Riders Republic for about 30 hours at the start of 2022. I didn't complete it or unlock everything, but the hours I spent biking, skiing, boarding around the map were satisfying, calming, and fun.

I might dip back into it at some point, I might not. Sometimes you just need the right game at the right time, and that's what Republic was for me at the start of the year.