Dog shit story that manages to "both sides" the French Revolution lol

I think I was a little too nostalgic in remembering why I liked this game series as a kid. It wasn’t because it was good, it was because I could autistically pretend I was a Mudkip. Unfortunately my autism manifests in other ways now lol

uninspiring gameplay, uninspiring story. One of my favorite parts is when an operator on your team comments during the story about how fucked up and mean the police of pre-Fascist Britain were. Later in the story, your agents reminiscence about how "at least the Bobbies weren't fascists." Oh they weren't, were they? DedSec is supposed to be an anarchist collective at the very least but DedSec London seems like they called Corbyn an anti-semite. In short, politically/narratively the game sucks and the gameplay is so lazy. I miss Aiden and Marcus' phone much, much more than the "implant" device that everyone just commonly accepted to put in their heads. I mean for fucks sake, we can't get over 50% vax rates in some states. You're telling me 100% of British people just accepted that they have to get implanted with a piece of technology?

Can't believe I'm hoping that an Aiden Pearce DLC is going to be recapture my interest in this series.

Unironically a better story than the Witcher 3 main game. Hearts of Stone has some of the most "cinematic" moments in the Witcher games too. Geralt's fight with Olgeird, and the realization that sweeps over his face when he realizes he's fucking with some dark arts is impeccable.

I didn't think it would be possible to like a character more than Mafia II's Vito, but I think Tommy Angelo takes the cake. The game is absolutely gorgeous, and it was painstakingly recreated to look as beautiful as it can.

Played through this game more times than I can count, now. When I initially played TW3, I hated it. I couldn't connect with Geralt and I just didn't care.

I was a kid, and I had played W2 but didn't appreciate anything about it. I replayed TW3 my freshman/sophomore year of college and couldn't believe what I had missed out on. A wonderful role playing game that gives you so much "autonomy" and "choice" while keeping you on the rails of the story.

Perhaps the best part about the Witcher is that Geralt is not the main character. You never feel compelled to do something because everything that CDPR designed for Geralt to do, is something his character would actually do.

hot ass for telltale, and that's saying something. I would probably be kinder to it if it were allowed to have sequels.

Everyone wants to get fucked by Bigby but the real heads know Mr. Toad had a hog in his slacks.

If you've played Far Cry 2, and 3, and Primal, and 4, you've played this game too.

One of the funniest video game experiences I have ever had. The writing is so good.

100 Days Gone since I last played and I'm looking forward to another 100 days of not playing this stinker

I feel like I need to stress this, but I played on a PS4 Pro.

I did not have the level of game breaking bugs others did. I had my fair share, but most were amusing and did not detract from the gameplay experience. By far the worst issue in my experience with the game were the crashes. Since launch, it's crashed probably 50+ times on me and I may be a little lenient with that number.

As for the game itself, the narrative is fantastic as long as you are sold on the Johnny Silverhand story. If you don't like Johnny, and you never come to like Johnny, I can see why you would strongly dislike this game. Personally, I think the Johnny and V saga is one of my favorite narratives of the last few years. The writing is very strong, but the gameplay itself has been seen in literally every other RPG. I liken this game to Fallout 3 pre-Broken Steel, in all honesty.

I've completed the game twice now, doing the Corpo and Nomad lifepaths. Currently playing as a Streetkid. Male V's voice actor is absolutely phenomenal and he captures this overwhelming sense of despair and vulnerability in V which is incredibly surprising to see. It's just rare that you see a male protagonist display so much emotion - specifically emotions of terror, depression, and just being generally unsure about life.

My streetkid is a female, the Corpo and Nomad were male. Female V is doing a good job so far, but I haven't got into the deeper and emotional sidequests.

All in all if you are on a base PS4 or base Xbox, you should not attempt to play this. If you do have an upgraded last gen console (the PS4 pro for instance) it will work but we warned of the issues.

If not for the constant state of crashing, this would be a 4.5 star game to me.

I ain't slippin' man, I'm slipped.