i don't care about any of the criticisms of this game. i've heard the complaints of poor pacing, of misery porn, of "le indie rpg about depression". and these criticisms mean nothing to me. omori is a game about guilt, and loss, and the lengths we go to delude ourselves, and by the time i finished the game i was crying so hard i couldn't see my screen anymore. and honestly what else need a game be?

i, furudo erika...! have duct tape...!

listen. i know this game doesn't deserve 4 stars. it has massive issues wrt narrative and character writing. however. however. oh my god i loved this game. i can't deny it. i had an incredible amount of fun playing it. the gameplay was deeply satisfying to me and the feeling of exploring the world & exploring new towns (plus beating the final boss for the first time!) was kind of irreplaceable. primrose is my wife

wow i think i am a fundamentally bad person

toby fox was like "fuck you. you will feel sad over a fictional goat. fuck you" and we all said yes sir thank you toby fox sir

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this game frustrates me so much.

it has ideas. that's what i can say for it. it has ideas about storytelling, character writing, and compelling mystery. and then it takes these ideas, sets them on fire, convert them into fertilizer, and bury me alive as i scream DR2 IS BAD, YOU GUYS ARE JUST NOSTALGIC

the comic relief in this game is actually terrible. every time someone tries to crack a joke i feel like i'm in a goddamn fever dream because no one ever reacts to anything or has a normal relationship to other people. one girl gets psychologically and physically abused on screen and no one says anything about it. one guy is constantly screaming deranged schizo darklord nonsense and everyone treats him as normal. another guy actively wants to kill people and after tying him up in the second chapter the only thing anyone ever says again is "wow nagito you really have problems!" teruteru tries to sexually assault a woman in his first scene

this game's ending is fantastic enough for me to not care about most of the other problems i have with it

whenever i think about mizuki i start crying. great game

this game is peculiar. i enjoy it, but i've always considered it something of the needlessly-famous, attention-sucking older brother to the beginner's guide, which is, imo, davey wreden's real masterpiece. but the stanley parable is still meaningful and powerful in its own right - i just sometimes struggle to understand what, exactly, it's trying to say.