Fun start to the series, can't write out all my old thoughts from back on Vita sorry

The first game of the greatest football player of all time, on his journey to meet blue haired women with pronouns

Actually super fun first person dungeon crawler for one of my favorite game series. the story was awesome as usual for a rance game
very grindy though, wish there was an auto battle and better animation skip but it's an old ass game so I forgave it


was a really fun game to stream and get my ass beat constantly. enjoyed the twist on soulslike this game had to offer especially with stamina management but MAN living weapon was dumb as shit lmao. I also wish i tried more weapons but there's dlc & nioh 2

awesome game with a really great variety of classes
I love all the little flavor text events and summoning classes are one of my absolute favorite things in any RPG, great music, unique stratum looks

highly recommend to check this one out

surprisingly fun and swift contrary to what I had heard about the game, I actually came to like the sabbath system a lot and despite some of the limitations to elements and skill slots battles were still fun. Hard difficulty felt well balanced too

awesome game, and very glad I finally went back to the roots (heh) of one of my favorite series ever
nothing could've prepared me for how hilariously broken this game is, but the big boss was still a fun challenge. i also love the 4th and 5th

fun adventure
I broke things by being too good at alchemy as usual but i like the new additions to combat to let you play sweatier
good times, looking forward to playing ryza 3

loved the characters, the story, the music, the combat... pure unadulterated hype and fun

(as long as you're not doing side quests)

discourse be damned, that was an awesome game with tons of amazing moments, please play it if you have a PS5

Super fun, love how brutally fast all the fights are and the music was insane

I salute you Waltuh thank you for ending it thus

If you are even remotely into mecha this is a must-play.
This is the game that gets the closest to the fantasy of piloting an anime mech and stylishly killing everything.

really fun, yousuke yasui music, hype final boss

first in the series, dont have my review from back on vita sorry

loved everything except for getting jerked around for the last 10 hours after that awesome finale, but solidified me into the series