Once you warm up to it, I love how this game feels. A blast to come back to after playing it as a kid. Looks so good on a CRT.
I also like that the 100% mark feels approachable.

Yeaaaaaaaaaaah baby
I’ll probably be coming back to Toontown in bits for the rest of my life, despite how repetitive it gets. (all nostalgia btw)

My ultimate nostalgia game.
My dad was right to be skeptical… I think an MMO with more depth would’ve sucked me in more. (I respect my time now, so no more MMO for me)

15 badges, 73 in Pokedex - I guess I stopped somewhere in Kanto. Probably the pokemon game I remember the least.

Used to play hide-and-seek in towns with my friend. Good times.

Got it because I didn't want to delete my Diamond file

Good shmup! I like the platform-y spin on it.

A relaxing trip around the Netherlands!

Feels really good! Enjoyed the Zero Mission style. Some minor issues, but no game is perfect.

Had a decent time with it as a small child. Will I play it again to reevaluate those feelings? No thanks.

I go back after months and randomly beat a level here and there. Got far enough to the point that I'm satisfied.

I think I beat this...?
Cute game, really hooked me as a kid.


One of those games that I just played forever as a kid.


It's been a while but I remember chilling with it for a while. Decent puzzler