For a free game, there's a lot of content. It's one of the best uses of real time combat on RPGMaker as others said and it doesn't take away much time. I keep thinking about this game for how adequate it is, it's just a short good game.

I want to love this game, the presentation is flawless and it's probably what a lot of people think what 00s games looked like (I'd say soul but that's a story for another time), yet the controls and the camera sometimes really don't help sell the momentum based game.

Some jank here and there make the game hard to enjoy and it's definitely not something for everyone, but if you can push through that you'll find a true gem.

By the way don't look up Hideki Naganuma on twitter dot com, it's not the funniest author to fans interaction there is.

Extremely charming game and well thought out puzzles make Portal one of the games of all time.

The game has a very bittersweet feeling. The aesthethics are perfect if you're into a doomer-tunnel rat-concrete bunker mood and the game looks solid to this day thanks to its lighting. Despite the age, it's fun, solid and worth picking up. Compared to Redux there's less QoL and less customization, yet the game feels a bit more alive & darker, thanks to a better sound (bias) and better and harder stealth (true).

I also think the way to get the good ending is bull, but I'm not alone in this.

This game is sad, but not in a funny way. The DS has way too many good picks for RPGs that Sonic The Dark Brotherhood feels out of place.

Interesting premise and concept, ironically enough the issue lies with its' loop based gameplay, which will wear you down if you play it too much in a single sitting. Incredible pixel art though.

It doesn't get as classic as this gem. Many QoL improvements in the latter games make this one feel a bit dated and maybe not worth playing as much as the others, yet the charm it holds is incomparable.

Technically leagues over the predecessor in every single category - music, gameplay, ambience. It's a pretty shmup and definitely the go to when recommending Touhou games. To this day, the transition in stage 4 lives rent free in my head.

Gameplay aside, which I think is the most consistent Touhou game where every death feels fair, Mountain of Faith is one of the prettiest of the series.

After EoSD, Perfect Cherry Blossom feels like a breath of fresh air, with a lot of qol compared to the latter and a lot of original levels and characters. Its story is actually quite good, for a touhou game.

Played for over 250 hours back when I first got it, I had a lot of bad things to say on this game but in retrospective it accomplished what it wanted to do - being a swan song for a game series which could've been ended here and there. Combat is fun and quick, replayability is high with how much you can mix and match the cast. The only big cons I can think of are the very bland map design and story, both having no real rhyme or reason to do what they do half the time. Lunatic + to this day is one of the most challenging modes of all the franchise - for very wrong reasons. It's fine for what it does.

Surprisingly deep game and a great way to learn the rules, in spite of the age and the system. It requires some modicum of luck to get through but it made me realize how much I like the TCG. Soundtrack is exceptional, Gengar and Dewgong are the true MVP.

Conceptually fresh idea even for today's standards, where its messages of ludo-narrative dissonance feel genuine and well-thought.

Despite short it carries weight with its atmosphere of somberness and adventure. Lasts just enough for the gimmick to not get old.

My first Fire Emblem! I'm an avid Shadow Dragon fan, as you can tell from the score, and in my local Fire Emblem aficionados community I'm known as the "Akaneia guy". What gives?

Put simply, the ease of play and replayability give this game a lot of mileage. There's a lot of characters, lots of maps and lots of difficulty settings to talk about and personally I just really like Marth's role in this game, where he is a strong character in his own, suffering because of loss but still having to be the role model for everyone else. It's a weirdly personal tale, something I really like (something the sequel will ruin but that's another story). I wholeheartedly recommend this game even just for how easy to play and fast it is, compared to other slower games in the same franchise.