32 reviews liked by phoenixdust21

É a fábula da fábula. Tem algo de ingênuo e pueril nesse jogo que preserva um certo encanto místico com relação a série e ao universo desse título, é como se o jogador estivesse envolto por uma névoa de fantasia e a perspectiva juvenil servisse como olhos brilhantes através dos quais essa obra é experienciada. Provavelmente o Final Fantasy mais Final Fantasy de todos

Night In The Woods opera dentro de uma lógica de repetição, o looping de dias e a repetição das rotinas dos personagens servem como uma representação do tédio ou da imobilidade que envolve a cidade, na mesma medida que a narrativa é feliz em estabelecer uma ideia de desesperança e falta de perspectiva dentro desse universo, tal pessimismo e a ideia de um apocalipse econômico em curso leva a imagem de um espiral, Night In The Woods dá voltas em torno de sí, se consome, e então acaba. É sobre o fim do mundo, mas também pode ser sobre reunir com seus amigos e aproveitar enquanto ainda estamos aqui.
Night in The Woods também se propõe a retratar uma geração ainda a ser entendida, o jogo embarca na leva de produções estadunidenses que tem como fundo social os reflexos da crise financeira de 2008 e o adensamento das políticas neoliberais, e é nesse contexto de desamparo social que surge uma geração imobilizada, equanimente distante da revolta e do bem-estar, mas a pergunta que a obra nos deixa é "Até quando?". 
É um jogo cheio de coração, em todos os sentido, é cheio de raiva também, gosto do quão claro quanto ao seu posicionamento ele é. Por mais jogos com a coragem de Night in The Woods.

It's a Star Trek bridge simulator, made by the same studio who developed the X-Wing games; what's not to like? Seriously, though, this is an excellent title; the game strikes a great balance between simple playability and the micro-management aspects of commanding a big ol' starship. Mods have improved the graphics tenfold since release, though with that arrives the occasional crash bug.

I have very fond memories of this game, and it’s great playing it again. Bridge Commander puts you in the role of a Galaxy class starship (and later Sovereign) and I think it’s the closest game that brings about the feeling of being a captain of a ship – rather than being the ship itself.

While in the bridge view, you can give commands to your crew – all fully voiced – and they’ll do it for you. As this is a combat orientated game, you’ll mainly be dealing with Lt. Savali, your tactical officer. You can tell him what targets to aim for, set his tactics or let him decide. If you want to, you can play the entire game like this, ordering your crew and never taking manual control. I really love that you can play for it.

If you want to do more yourself, you can do that, too. The external view of the ship enables controls for manual control of the ship, letting you fly around and fire as you prefer. The camera is locked onto the target, letting you move through your different phaser arcs rather than being limited to forward facing weapons like previous space combat games. You also still have access to all the crew and can give commands from this view, so you can continue giving orders and just admire the battles.

Targeting subsytems is a major part of the game. You can target individual components of the ship like cloaking devices, individual phasers, shield generators and the warp core. Missions throughout the game will require use of this, especially when disabling ships and stations. The hull of your target will still take damage, so you need to be careful with what you hit – especially if you then need to defend your disabled target.

The game isn’t without its flaws. I think it could have done with conversation choices, even just ones that don’t change the story, just your own flair on the conversation. It’s a bit odd that the first officer handles all of the conversations. I would also like more options regarding what you can do, as some sections (particularly Science and Engineering) are quite limited. The game is very good at supporting mods, and the community has added a lot of features (along with nicer looking ships) – for this playthough I went with the base game with some minor modifications to make it run at 1080p. .

Bridge Commander is an amazing experience for the ship side of Star Trek, and this would be my basis for the “perfect” Star Trek game, which would combine this with Elite Force and a bit of No Man’s Sky for exploration, some mysteries to solve and new things to discover.

All things about JK rowling aside. This game is a mediocre “open world” experience with horrible combat, really bad customization, and a mediocre story.

A collection of three of the best games I have ever played. The collection loses some points for the visuals not looking as good as the 360 collection in some instances, but overall it's still a great way to experience the games if you're a new fan or a returning one. It even includes a mock save system, so Mantis can read your card.

3 Solid games. Great way to experience the beginning of one of the most iconic gaming franchise of all time. Looking forward to volume 2.

Must be new around these parts if you haven't heard of Metal Gear before. Long codex conversations about MUF and edible wildlife, cutscenes the length of an average Mexican soap opera, convoluted plot reveals and twists where everyone is a double or a triple agent and a healthy dose of "I'm 14 and this is deep" conversations that make you wince. Now that's a recipe that only a truly unhinged chef can turn into a delicious 3 course meal.

Despite the awkward controls or for the lack of a better word memey line delivery every now and then there wasn't a single hour that I spent where I didn't have a good time with these games. From the tightly packed MGS1 to the rollercoaster story of MGS2 that really hits differently in 2023 to the further refinement of gameplay, characters and story in MGS3.

Negative points for quite the pricey tag, lack of any real options in the game menu and for the archaic game controls.

If you don't have allergy to stealth or a bit of cheese in your stories I implore you to try out these games it very well might be your new favorite and with this collection it's easier than ever before.

Jogo tocante e emotivo que veio pra mim na hora que eu mais precisva... Simples, curto, mas bastante efetivo e bonito.

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