I loved the voice acting, characters, and the overall setup, but I felt a lot of the gameplay boiled down to *s*l*o*w*l*y* walking and repeatedly backtracking across levels for some fairly boring puzzles. I would have liked to have seen detective work factor into the gameplay more. Also - there's no ending for the main story or the metastory, the game just suddenly stops.

A very neat idea, and I love the concept of a research/conspiracy game, but it ends very abruptly just when it feels like it's starting to get to something interesting. The ending is... odd.

A solid puzzle game with some gorgeous environments. The puzzles hit a good balance. They're not so challenging as to impede the game's narrative (The Witness this is not), but for the most part, they require an intuitive leap on the player's part - an understanding of the environment around you. Unfortunately, I also encountered a number of bugs. Nothing that broke progression, but I had to reload my game several times.

Embrace your inner fish.

A solid follow-up, but I think that it suffers somewhat from rehashing Spider-man without bringing too much new to the table. I encountered A LOT of bugs as well (no pun intended).

The writing was the strongest part - the writers just get what makes Spider-man's universe tick, and know how to get to the heart of the characters. Also if you were to count up lines of dialogue, I would bet this is probably the most characterization Miles has gotten in any form of media yet - it's fun to see his character and supporting cast get built up.

Much improved gameplay over the original, but I would have to write an essay to list my issues with the story. Most notably, the pacing problems seen in the Druckmann-led ND games are at their absolute worst here.